This section will guide you through the process of configuring your work environment to initiate the use of GGIR. For this purpose, you will need at least one accelerometer file to be processed by GGIR, please feel free to download this .gt3x file or this .cwa file and follow the instructions below.

0.1 Run GGIR for the first time

  1. First, you will need to place your file(s) in a folder on your computer. Make sure that this folder only contains accelerometer files.

  2. Use the following command to run GGIR over your data using all the default options.

    • datadir refers to the directory where you have located the accelerometer files.

    • outputdir refers to the directory where you want to store GGIR’s output.

GGIR(datadir="C:/mystudy/mydata", outputdir="D:/myresults")

After some minutes, you should be able to see how your output directory gets populated with files, reports, and visualizations.