This message is to announce the availability of a new version (0.91) of the beta-test Gopher server implementation (called "GOPHERS", pronounced "gopher-ess") for Windows NT. This software allows a Windows NT machine to serve information using the Gopher document delivery system. GOPHERS is a "Classic" Gopher protocol server which runs as a Windows NT "Service". Executables for Intel-based systems, MIPS systems and DEC Alpha systems are available. This version is just a bug-fix release. Please report any remaining bugs ASAP, because we plan to make the 1.0 release in a week or two. The server may be FTP'd from in the directory pub/gophers. There are three ZIP files - one for Intel-based systems, one for MIPS-based systems, and one for Alpha-based systems. Be sure you download the right one for your processor. You may also want to download the WAISTOOL toolkit for building and searching WAIS databases from the pub/waistool directory. New features in 0.91 ==================== * Event Log no longer overflows due to lots of uninteresting events. * Edit controls in applet are limited in number of chars you can type. * Bug fixed: no longer buildup of connections in CLOSE_WAIT state. * Bug fixed: thread no longer hangs in recv() if client disappears. * Bug fixed: \t+ query from a Gopher+ client now returns root menu. Features ======== * "Classic Gopher" protocol server. * Runs as a Windows NT "Service", so that it keeps going even when there's no-one logged in to the machine. * Handles multiple simultaneous connections using multiple threads. * WAIS database searching capability added. You need the WAISTOOL toolkit for Windows NT (also available from EMWAC) for this. * File extension -> Gopher type mapping is configurable. * Caching implemented. * "UNIX compatability mode" for those familiar with UNIX gopher servers. * Mechanism for hiding files in Gopher directory tree. * Mechanism for specifying alternate host name for use in Gopher menus. * Available for DEC Alpha, MIPS and Intel architectures. * Gopher transaction log written to text file. New file created every day. Log file location is configurable. * Logs errors using the Windows NT Event Logger. * Configuration through the Control Panel, with configuration information stored in the Registry. On-line help for configuration applet. * Uses memory-mapped file I/O for improved performance. * Special -ipaddress option to help identify mis-configured TCP/IP software. * If there is more than one network interface in the machine, GOPHERS will listen for incoming connections on all interfaces. (I would be obliged if someone can test this feature for me - I don't have access to such a machine.) This server has been produced as part of the European Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre (EMWAC) project. EMWAC has been set up to support and act as a focus for Windows NT within European academia. It is sponsored by Datalink Computers, Digital, Microsoft, Research Machines, Sequent and the University of Edinburgh. Acknowlegements to Silicon Graphics for providing a machine for the MIPS port. An HTTP server and a WAIS server for Windows NT are also available for beta test, available from the same site as above.