bulkld_index, create_assoc, create_index, destroy_assoc, destroy_index, find_assoc, print_index - Class ss_m Methods for B+Tree Index Operations



#include <sm_vas.h>  // includes sm.h (where they are declared)

static rc_t                 create_index(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    ndx_t                       ntype,
    store_property_t            property,
    const char*                 key_desc,
    concurrency_t               cc,
    uint                        size_kb_hint,  // hint on final size in KB
    serial_t&                   liid);

// for backward-compatibility:
static rc_t                 create_index(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    ndx_t                       ntype,
    store_property_t            property,
    const char*                 key_desc,
    uint                        size_kb_hint,  // hint on final size in KB
    serial_t&                   liid);

static rc_t                 destroy_index(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             liid);

static rc_t                 bulkld_index(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             liid,
    const lvid_t&               s_lvid,
    const serial_t&             s_lfid,
    sm_du_stats_t&              stats);

static rc_t                 bulkld_index(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             liid,
    sort_stream_i&              sorted_stream,
    sm_du_stats_t&              stats);

static rc_t                 print_index(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             liid);

static rc_t                 create_assoc(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             liid,
    const vec_t&                key,
    const vec_t&                el);

static rc_t                 destroy_assoc(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             liid,
    const vec_t&                key,
    const vec_t&                el);

static rc_t                 destroy_all_assoc(
    const lvid_t&               lvid, 
    const serial_t&             liid,
    const vec_t&                key,
    int&                        num_removed);

static rc_t                 find_assoc(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             liid,
    const vec_t&                key,
    void*                       el,
    smsize_t&                   elen,	// if you don't want the result,
                                       // make this 0 on input
    bool&                       found);


The above class ss_m methods manipulate B+tree indexes. See The Shore Storage Manager Programming Interface for a more detailed description of B+tree indexes.

Common Parameters

There are a number of common parameters for these methods:

Logical volume ID of volume containing an index.
Logical index ID, the serial number of an index.
A vector pointing to the key portion of an index entry.
A vector pointing to the element portion of an index entry.

create_index(lvid, ntype, property, key_desc, size_kb_hint, liid)
The create_index methods creates a new B+tree index on the volume lvid, and returns its serial number in liid. The ntype parameter specifies the type of implementation used for the index. Valid values for the ntype parameter are t_btree, indicating a B+tree allowing entries with duplicate keys, and t_uni_btree, indicating a B+tree only allowing entries with unique keys. The property parameter specifies whether the index is temporary. See enum(ssm) for more information on ss_m::store_property_t. The key_desc parameter is a string describing the the type of the keys to be stored in the index. The syntax of key_desc is as follows:
    <key_type_str>      ::= <key_type>* <v_key_type>
    <key_type>          ::= <type> <len>
    <v_key_type>        ::= <type> <var> <len>
    <type>              ::= 'i' | 'u' | 'f' | 'b'
    <var>               ::= '*' | NULL
    <len>               ::= [1-9][0-9]*
A <key_type> contains a type ('i' for integer, 'u' for unsigned, 'f' for float, 'b' for binary), and a length. A <v_key_type>, which is the last part of <key_type_str>, can contain an optional indicator ('*') for variable length field. A <key_type_str> is composed of multiple <key_type>, and a <v_key_type>; i.e. only the last field can be variable length.
   For example the key_desc "i4f8b*1000" specifies a
   key that contains:
	1. a 4 byte integer
	2. an 8 byte float (double)
	3. a variable length binary field that could be as long as
	   as a 1000 bytes.
The SSM applies a function to the key values, the result of which is a string of bytes that can be lexicographically compared, and yield the correct order. The SSM contains such functions for keys of the following types: signed and unsigned integer keys of length 1, 2, or 4, floating point keys of length 4 or 8. Byte strings keys are not interpreted; they are stored as presented to the SSM. The size_kb_hint parameter allows the caller to give a hint about the final size of the index (in K-bytes). This helps the SM determine where to allocate space for the index. For now, the hint's main purpose is to determine whether the index will fit on one page or on many. A value of 0 should be used if it is known the index will be small or if the final size of the index is unknown. Otherwise a value larger than ss_m::page_sz/1000 should be used.

create_index(lvid, ntype, property, cc, key_desc, size_kb_hint, liid)
This form of create_index allows you to associate with the index, a locking protocol other than t_cc_kvl. See enum(ssm) for more information on ss_m::concurrency_t.

See the "ROOT INDEX METHODS" section of volume(ssm) for information on how to keep track of the indexes on a volume.

destroy_index(lvid, liid)
The destroy_index methods destroys the index and deallocates all space used by it. The space is not available for reuse until the transaction destroying the index commits.

bulkld_index(lvid, liid, s_lvid, s_lfid, stats)
This bulkld_index method bulk loads the empty index, identified by lvid and liid. The entries to load must be located, in sorted order, in the file identified by s_lvid and s_lfid. The header of each record in the file contains the key and the body contains the element (value) associated with the key. Statistics for the newly loaded index are returned in stats, specifically in the btree field.

bulkld_index(lvid, liid, sorted_stream, stats)
This bulkld_index method is identical to the one above except that rather than getting entries from a file, the entries come from sorted_stream. Note: this method has not been extensively tested and may change in the future. See sort_stream_i(ssm) for more information.

print_index(lvid, liid)
The print_index method is prints the contents of the index. It is meant to be a debugging tool.

create_assoc(lvid, liid, key, el)
The create_assoc method adds a new entry associating key with the element (value) el.

destroy_assoc(lvid, liid, key, el)
The destroy_assoc method destroys the entry associating key with the element (value) el.

destroy_all_assoc(lvid, liid, key, num_removed)
The destroy_all_assoc method destroys all entries with key as a key. The number of entries removed is returned in num_removed.

find_assoc(lvid, liid, key, el, elen, found)
The find_assoc method finds key in the index and and writes the associated element (only the first one found) to the address specified by el. At most elen bytes will be written. If the element is not needed, set elen to 0. Elen will be set to the length actually written. If key is found, then found will be set to true. A more comprehensive lookup facility, allowing range searches, is available from the class scan_index_i described in scan_index_i(ssm)


All of the above methods return a w_rc_t error code. If an error occurs during a methods that is updating persistent data (the create, destroy, and bulk load methods will update data) then the index could be in an inconsistent state. The caller then has the choice of aborting the transaction or rolling back to the nearest save-point (see transaction(ssm) ).

See errors(ssm) for more information on error handling.


To Do.


This manual page applies to Version 1.1 of the Shore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-91-C-Q518.


Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


scan_index_i(ssm), sort_stream_i(ssm) intro(ssm),