format_dev, mount_dev, dismount_dev, dismount_all, list_devices, list_volumes, get_device_quota - Class ss_m Methods for Device Management



#include <sm_vas.h>  // which includes sm.h

static rc_t      format_dev(
    const char*            device,
    uint4                  quota_in_KB,
    bool                   force);
static rc_t      mount_dev(
    const char*            device,
    u_int&                 vol_cnt,
    devid_t&               devid,
    vid_t                  local_vid = vid_t::null);
static rc_t      dismount_dev(const char* device);
static rc_t      dismount_all();
static rc_t      list_devices(
    const char**&          dev_list,
    devid_t*&              devid_list,
    u_int&                 dev_cnt);
static rc_t      list_volumes(
    const char*            device,
    lvid_t*&               lvid_list,
    u_int&                 lvid_cnt);
static rc_t      get_device_quota(
    const char*            device, 
    smksize_t&             quota_KB, 
    smksize_t&             quota_used_KB);


The above class ss_m methods all deal with managing the devices that hold volumes.

A device is either an operating system file or operating system device and is identified by a path name (absolute or relative). A device has a quota. A device may have multiple volumes on it (in the current implementation the maximum number of volumes is 1).

A volume is where data are stored. A volume is identified uniquely and persistently by a logical volume ID (lvid_t). Volumes can be used whenever the device they are located on is mounted by the SM. Volumes have a quota. The sum of the quotas of all the volumes on a device cannot exceed the device quota. Methods for volume management are described in volume(ssm).

format_dev(device, quota_in_KB, force)

The format_dev method is used to format a storage device for use in holding volumes. The device parameter the path-name of the device to format. The quota_in_KB is the quota (maximum usable space) for the device, specified in kilobytes. Setting the force parameter to true indicates that the device should be formatted even if device already exists. Setting it to false will generate the POSIX error, EEXIST indicating that device already exists. Since raw-devices always "exist", true must always be used. The SM will now allow a device to be formatted if it is already mounted.

mount_dev(device, vol_cnt, devid, local_vid)
The mount_dev method makes all volumes on a device available for access. The number of volumes on the device is returned in vol_cnt.The list_devices method described below can be used to determine the IDs of the volumes on the device. The ID of the device (unique only to the server) is returned in devid.DeviceIDsarenotusedasparametersinanyservermethods, but some VASs may find them useful for their own purposes. The local_vid parameter is only meant to be a temporary hack for those VASs using the physical ID version of the SM interface. Local_vid is used to specify the local handle that should be when a volume is mounted. The default value, vid_t::null indicates that the SM can use any number it wants to use.

It is OK to mount a device multiple times, as long as device is always the same (ie. you cannot specify another path that is a hard/soft link to the path given in previous mount requests). Device mounts are not reference counted, so only a single dismount_dev call is necessary to dismount a device.

The dismount_dev method flushes all cached pages on the device and makes all volumes on the device unavailable. Note: Currently, there is no check made to make sure no transactions are using a device when it is dismounted. If a transaction operation accesses a volume on a device that is no longer mounted, an error is returned from the operation. If a transaction previously accessed a volume on a device that is no longer mounted, and the transaction aborts, a fatal error will occur, shutting down the server.

The dismount_all method dismount all mounted devices.

list_devices(dev_list, devid_list, dev_cnt)
The list_devices method returns, in dev_list, an array of char* pointers to the names of all mounted devices. Note that the use of a char*'s is a temporary hack until a standard string class is available. The char* pointers are pointing directly into the device mount table. The devid_list is changed to point to an array of device IDs. Note: dev_list and devid_list must be deleted with delete [] by the caller if they are not null (0). They will be null if an error is returned or if there are no devices. The dev_cnt parameter is the number of elements in the returned lists.

list_volumes(device, lvid_list, lvid_cnt)
The list_volumes method returns, via lvid_list, an array containing the IDs of all volumes on device. The lvid_cnt parameter is set to the length of the list returned. Lvid_listmustbedeletedwithdelete[]bythecallerif lvid_list is not null (0). lvid_list will be null if an error is returned or if there are no volumes on the device.

get_device_quota(device, quota_KB, quota_used_KB)
The get_device_quota method returns the quota (in K-bytes) in quota_KB and the amount of the quota, allocated to volumes on the device, in quota_used_KB.


All of the above methods return a w_rc_t error code.

See errors(ssm) for more information on error handling.


Many of the above methods cannot be run in the scope of a transaction. The reason for this restriction is to avoid the implication that rolling back (aborting) the transaction would rollback the effect of the method.




This manual page applies to Version 1.1 of the Shore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-91-C-Q518.


Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


intro(ssm), volume(ssm).