lock, unlock, query_lock, set_lock_cache_enable, lock_cache_enabled - Class ss_m Methods for Locking



#include <sm_vas.h>  // which includes sm.h

static rc_t                 lock(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    lock_mode_t                 mode,
    lock_duration_t             duration = t_long,
    long                        timeout = WAIT_SPECIFIED_BY_XCT);

static rc_t                 lock(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             serial,
    lock_mode_t                 mode,
    lock_duration_t             duration = t_long,
    long                        timeout = WAIT_SPECIFIED_BY_XCT);

static rc_t                 unlock(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             serial);

static rc_t                 query_lock(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             serial,
    lock_mode_t&                mode,
    bool                        implicit = FALSE);

static rc_t                 set_lock_cache_enable(bool enable);
static rc_t                 lock_cache_enabled(bool& enabled);

static rc_t                 set_escalation_thresholds(
    int4                        toPage,
    int4                        toStore,
    int4                        toVolume);

static rc_t                 get_escalation_thresholds(
    int4&                       toPage,
    int4&                       toStore,
    int4&                       toVolume);

static rc_t                 dont_escalate(
    const lockid_t&             n,
    bool                        passOnToDescendants = true);
static rc_t                 dont_escalate(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    const serial_t&             serial,
    bool                        passOnToDescendants = true);
static rc_t                 dont_escalate(
    const lvid_t&               lvid,
    bool                        passOnToDescendants = true);


For a discussion of the locking done by the SSM is found in An Overview of Shore.

Locks are acquired implicitly by many ss_m methods. For those situations where more precise control of locking is desired, the following methods allow explicit locking and unlocking.

lock(lvid, mode, duration, timeout)

lock(lvid, serial, mode, duration, timeout)

The lock method is used to acquire a lock on volume, index, file or record. The first version of the method locks the volume specified by lvid. The second version locks the index, file or record specified by lvid,serial. The mode parameter specifies the lock mode to acquire. Valid lock_mode_t values are listed in basics.h. The duration parameter specifies how long the lock will be held. Valid values (among those listed in basics.h) are: t_instant, t_short and t_long. The timeout parameter specifies how long to wait for a lock.

unlock(lvid, serial)
The unlock method releases the most recently acquired lock on the file, index, or record identified by lvid,serial. Note, that only locks with duration t_short can be released before end-of-transaction.

query_lock(lvid, serial, mode, implicit)
The query_lock method the mode of the lock held on lvid,serial by the current transaction. The lock mode is returned in mode and will be NL (no lock) if not locked. If implicit is false then only explicit locks on lvid,serial will be considered. For example, if file F is SH locked and a query is made about a record in F, the mode returned will be NL. However, if implicit is true, then SH would be returned for this example.

Lock Cache Control

Each transaction has a cache of recently acquired locks The following methods control the use of the cache. These are not supported methods and may be removed in later versions of the software. Note: that the methods only affect the transaction associated with the current thread.


The set_lock_cache_enable method turns on the cache if enable is true and turns it off otherwise.

The lock_cache_enabled method sets enabled to true if the lock cache is on.


The lock manager will escalate from a record lock to a page lock, from a page lock to a store lock, and from a store lock to a volume lock, to reduce the number of locks in the table. You can control the thresholds for escalation throught the methods get_escalation_thresholds and set_escalation_thresholds. The default values are as follows:


In all cases, a threshold of 0 prevents escalation.

When escalation is in use, it be prevented on selected volumes or other lock-able objects through the three don_escalate methods. If the argument passOnToDescendantsis false, locks acquired on objects below the volume (or given lockid) in the lock hierarchy will still be escalated according to the thresholds.






This manual page applies to Version 1.1 of the Shore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-91-C-Q518.


Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


An Overview of Shore , transaction(ssm) and intro(ssm).