lookup, _lookup- locating Shore objects by path name



VASResult       shore_vas::lookup(
    const Path          pathname, 
    lrid_t              *result,
    PermOp              targetperm = Permissions::op_read,
    bool		errorIfNotFound = FALSE,
    bool		follow = FALSE

// server only:
VASResult       shore_vas::_lookup(
    const Path          pathname, 
    bool		*found,
    lrid_t              *result = 0,
    bool		errorIfNotFound = TRUE,
    PermOp              targetperm = Permissions::op_read,
    bool		follow = TRUE,
    serial_t            *file = 0

// server only:
VASResult       shore_vas::_lookup(
    lrid_t              &dir, 
    const    Path       pathname,
    PermOp              pathperm,
    PermOp              targetperm,
    bool		*found,
    lrid_t              *result,
    serial_t            *file,
    bool		errorIfNotFound = TRUE,
    bool		follow = TRUE


The lookup methods translate from path names to object identifiers. (See directory(svas) for ways to translate object identifiers to path names.) They do not affect the working directory. They all check permissions along the path. They can be used to follow or not to follow symbolic links and cross references.


Pathname is the Shore pathname to follow. It may be absolute or relative. In the first two methods, if it is relative, it is relative to the current working directory. In the third method, it is relative to the directory identified by dir.

If an object with such a pathname exists, its object identifier is returned in *result. If no such object exists, *result is unchanged.

If follow is TRUE, and the pathname encounters symbolic links or cross-references along the way, they will be followed, otherwise the search will terminate at the point at which a symbolic link or cross-reference is found. If the path name does not identify an object, and errIfNotFound is TRUE, all forms of lookup issue an error message and return ST_FAILURE. If errIfNotFound if FALSE, they are silent, but indicate that no such object was found as follows: lookup returns ST_FAILURE, and both forms of _lookup return ST_OK. *Found, where present, is set to TRUE if such an object exists, and to FALSE if not.

At the end of the search, if an object is found, it is checked for the permissions given in targetperm. Along the path, lookup and the first form of _lookup require search (execute) permissions; the second form of _lookup checks for the permissions indicated in pathperm.

Both forms of _lookup return the logical file identifier for the Shore Storage Manager file in which the object resides. In the first form, the file identifier is returned only if file is a non-null pointer.


Lookup is available in the client library and in the server; both forms of _lookup are available only on the server.


Deadlocks can occur while locks are being acquired. See transaction(svas) for information about deadlocks.

A complete list of errors is in errors(svas).


This manual page applies to Version 1.1 of the Shore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-91-C-Q518.


Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


errors(svas), directory(svas), file_system(svas), registered(svas), and transaction(svas)