PoolScan - locate the objects in a Shore pool



VASResult       shore_vas::openPoolScan(
	const lrid_t  &pool,   
	Cookie        *cookie
VASResult       shore_vas::openPoolScan(
	const   Path   name,   
	Cookie		   *cookie

// get oid of next object in pool
VASResult       shore_vas::nextPoolScan(
	Cookie       	*cookie,
	bool      	*eof,    // TRUE if no result
						// if FALSE, result is legit
	lrid_t        	*result,
	LockMode      	lock=NL,
	SysProps      	*sysprops = 0 // optional

VASResult       shore_vas::nextPoolScan(
	Cookie			*cookie,
	bool        	*eof,    // TRUE if no result
						// if FALSE, result is legit
	lrid_t        	*result,     // snapped ref
	ObjectOffset  	offset,
	ObjectSize    	requested,  // -- could be WholeObject
	const vec_t   	&buf,    // -- where to put it
	ObjectSize    	*used = 0,   // - amount copied
	ObjectSize    	*more = 0,   // requested amt not copied
	LockMode      	lock=NL,
	SysProps      	*sysprops = 0 // optional

VASResult       shore_vas::closePoolScan(
	const Cookie	&cookie


OpenPoolScan establishes context for the caller (the cookie), in which the given pool is locked and scanned. A scan on a pool can be opened by naming the pool (by path) or by giving the pool's object identifier. NextPoolScan retrieves information about the next object in the pool, within the context of the open scan. ClosePoolScan closes the scan and discards all the context information.


The argument cookie is a pointer into the caller's address space, from which the SVAS retrieves opaque context information on each operation, and into which the SVAS writes context information after each operation.

The argument eof is also a pointer into the caller's address space, where the SVAS writes the value TRUE (1) if the operation yielded no object, and FALSE (0) if the operation resulted in another object. If *eof is returned TRUE, the values of the other return arguments are meaningful.

The argument result points to an area in the caller's address space where the SVAS will write the logical object identifier for the next object in the pool. result may not be a null pointer. The value written into *result is the snapped form of the object's identifier.

The argument sysprops points to an area in the caller's address space where the SVAS will place the system properties of the object, if sysprops is a non-null pointer.

The argument lock can be used to increase (but not decrease) the strength of the lock acquired on the object when it is inspected by the SVAS.

The second form of nextPoolScan takes several more arguments, whose purpose is to make the method as general as readObj. They allow the object to be read in full or in part, by the scan.


These methods are available on the client and server. All these methods acquire locks, and so they can deadlock. TODO: need a note about what kinds of locks are acquired.


A transaction can have no more than one pool scan open at any time. (TODO: extend SSM)


This manual page applies to Version 1.1 of the Shore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-91-C-Q518.


Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


sysprops(svas), readObj(svas), mkVolRef(svas), errors(svas), and transaction(svas).