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Running the Example

The first thing to do is to run server -i to format and make the volumes containing the grid data. Before running the grid server, you must edit exampleconfig and change the value of the sm_diskrw option to $SHORE/bin/diskrw. (Note: You must replace $SHORE/bin/diskrw with the actual pathname of the diskrw executable; you cannot use a "shell variable" in this file.) Information about all the options available to the programs can be found by running them with a -h flag.

You will also need to make a directory for holding the log. The log directory used is set by the sm_logdir option in exampleconfig. Running grid will leave log files in ./log.grid and a storage device file called ./device.grid. These can be removed when you are done.

    % vi exampleconfig
        # edit the value of sm_diskrw
    % mkdir log.grid
    % server -i

Answer "y" to the question "Do you really want to initialize the Grid database?". You should see something like this:

    processing configuration options ...
    Do you really want to initialize the Grid database? y
    Starting SSM and performing recovery ...
    Formatting and mounting device: device.grid with a 2000KB quota ...
    Creating a new volume on the device
        with a 2000KB quota ...
    starting up, listening on port 1234
    allocating a tcp socket for listening for connections ...
    binding to port 1234
    creating tcp service
    registering rpc service
    main starting stdin thread
    creating file handler for listener socket
    Command thread is running
    Creating a new Grid

Next, type client to start a client. At either the client or server prompt, you can type help to get this list of available commands.

    % client
    processing configuration options ...
    trying to connect to server at port 1234
    attempting server connection
    Client ready.
    client> help
    Valid commands are: 

            commit transaction and start another one
            abort transaction and start another one
            clear grid
            print grid
        add name x y
            add new item <name> at <x,y>
        remove name
            remove item <name>
        move name x y
            move item <name> to location <x,y>
        locate name
            print location of item <name>
        spatial x_lo y_lo x_hi y_hi
            print count of items in rectangle and list first few items
            quit and exit program (aborts current transaction)
            prints this message

        Comments begin with a '#' and continue until the end of the line.

At all times a transaction is running for the server and client prompts. As commands are run, appropriate locks are obtained. Locks will be released when a commit or abort command is given.

Here are some commands you might try typing to the client.

print                   # print the empty grid
add Junk 20 10          # add and item named Junk at coordinate 20,10
add Car 15 5
commit                  # commit the current transaction
locate Car              # find location of Car
spatial 0 0 39 14       # count all items on grid
spatial 20 10 20 10     # list all items at location 20,10
clear                   # clear the grid
print                   # it should be empty
abort                   # abort the current transaction
print                   # grid should have items on it now
quit                    # quit -- aborts current transaction

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