Shore Programmer's Manual - 18 September 95


w_list_t \- generic list structures


#include <w.h>
#include <w_list.h>
// for definition of offsetof(x,y):
#include <stddef.h>

class w_link_t;
class T {
    // your type
    w_link_t    _link;

// unsorted lists:
template <class T> class w_list_t; 

// iterator over a w_list_t:
template <class T> class w_list_i; 
template <class T> class w_list_const_i; 

// sorted lists:
template <class T, class K> w_descend_list_t;
template <class T, class K> w_ascend_list_t;


This is a set templates for managing doubly-linked lists of objects of type T (for user-defined types T). The double-linking of items into lists is accomplished with the class w_link_t, which must be a member of the type T. The template methods operate on the w_link_t member. The name of the member can be anything; the methods locate the member by information given when the list is constructed:

w_list_t<mytype> l(offsetof(mytype, mylink));
where the template parameter is the type:
class mytype {
    int            a;
    w_link_t       mylink;
    int            b;

The lists managed by these templates are of two general kinds: unsorted and sorted.

Unsorted lists

Unsorted lists ( w_list_t<T> ) are constructed as in the example given above.

Items are put into the list with the any of the following methods:

w_list_t<T>&   push(T* t);
T*             pop();    // reverse of push
w_list_t<T>&   append(T* t) ;
T*             chop();    //reverse of append

These methods return the objects at the front and rear of the lists:

T*     top();
T*     bottom();

A list can be printed with

friend ostream&             operator<<(
    ostream&                    o,
    const w_list_t<T>&          l);

Unsorted lists are traversed with iterators (instances of w_list_i<T> ), which have methods next(), curr(), and reset().

    mytype    *p;
    w_list_i<mytype> iter(l);
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)  {
        p =;
        if ( p->a == ....  // whatever you wish

Sorted lists

Sorted lists ( w_descend_list_t<T,K> and w_ascend_list_t<T,K> ) are lists of objects containing keys, which are members of the template parameter class T, whose type is the template parameter type K.

Sorted lists are traversed by calling their methods

virtual T *search(const K &);
In order for the method search to work, the template has to find a member of the key type K in each instance of type T that is in the list. For this reason, each ordered list is constructed with the location of the key as well as the location of the w_link_t:
// order this list on the value of a in descending order
w_descend_list_t<mytype, int> l(
        offsetof(mytype, a),     
        offsetof(mytype, mylink) // offset of link

// order this list on the value of b in ascending order
w_ascend_list_t<mytype, int> l(
        offsetof(mytype, b),     
        offsetof(mytype, mylink) // offset of link

Objects are inserted into sorted lists with the method put_in_order:

virtual void   put_in_order(T* t);

Sorted lists can be traversed with iterators ( w_list_i ), and with these methods:

T*    first();
T*    last();

In addition, methods derived from w_list_i such as pop can be used to remove items from the head list (e.g, for destroying the entire list).


The methods search and put_in_order are declared virtual so that other list types can be derived from these templates.


There are no methods for removing items from the middle of a list.


This manual page applies to Version 0.9.3 (Beta) of theShore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-91-C-Q518.


Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


rc(fc) , intro(fc) , statistics(oc) , statistics(svas) , and statistics(ssm) .