
Shore Programmer's Manual - 18 September 95


pin_i, pin, repin, unpin \- Class for Pinning Records


#include <sm_vas.h>  // which includes pin.h

class pin_i : public smlevel_top {
    enum flags_t { 
	pin_empty		= 0x0,
	pin_rec_pinned		= 0x01,
	pin_hdr_only		= 0x02, 
	pin_separate_data	= 0x04,
	pin_lg_data_pinned	= 0x08  // large data page is pinned
    NORET		pin_i();
    NORET		~pin_i();

    rc_t	   	pin(
	const lvid_t&	    lvid,
	const serial_t&	    lrid,
	smsize_t	    start,
	lock_mode_t	    lmode = SH);

    void   		unpin();
    void                set_ref_bit(int value);
    rc_t    		repin(lock_mode_t lmode = SH);
    rc_t		next_bytes(bool& eof); 
    bool  		pinned() const;
    bool  		pinned_all() const;
    bool		up_to_date() const;

    // methods for accessing the record
    smsize_t   		start_byte() const;
    smsize_t   		length() const;
    smsize_t   		hdr_size() const;
    smsize_t   		body_size() const;
    const char*     	hdr() const;
    const char*     	body();
    bool  		is_small() const;
    const record_t* 	rec() const;
    const serial_t&	serial_no() const;
    const lvid_t&	lvid() const;
    const rid_t&	rid() const;

    // methods for changing the record
    rc_t    		update_rec(smsize_t start, const vec_t& data);
    rc_t    		update_rec_hdr(smsize_t start, const vec_t& hdr);
    rc_t    		append_rec(const vec_t& data);
    rc_t    		truncate_rec(smsize_t amount);

    // miscellaneous   
    const char* 	hdr_page_data();
    lpid_t 		page_containing(
	smsize_t	    offset,
	smsize_t&	    start_byte) const;
    static void 	pin_stats(
	u_long&		    pins,
	u_long&		    unpins,
	bool		    reset);

    // these methods are disabled
    pin_i(const pin_i&);
    pin_i& operator=(const pin_i&);


Class pin_i supports pinning records in the buffer pool and provides a variety of methods for accessing information about a record and its contents. A pin_i object is basically a handle to a pinned record. The _i suffix in a class name indicates that a class is an iterator. Class pin_i is an iterator since it is used to iterate over all by bytes in a record's body.



The pin_i constructor simply initializes a pin_i object.


If a record is pinned, ~pin_i un-pins it.


pin(lvid, lrid, start, lmode)

The pin method pins a range of bytes of a record. For small records (those that fit on one page), the entire record body will be pinned. For large records, only one page of the body will be pinned at a time. For both small and large records, the record header is always pinned as well. The first two parameters, lvid and lrid specify the logical ID of the record to be pinned.

The start parameter specifies a byte offset into the record body corresponding to a region of the body to pin. However, the pin operation will always adjust the starting location of the pin to reflect the beginning of the page containing the byte indicated by the start parameter. The true starting location and size of the pinned region are available from the start_byte and length methods, respectively. For example, start=0 will always pin the first page of the record body, as will start=10 (assuming the record is at least 10 bytes long). In both cases, start_byte will return 0 and length will either the entire record, if small, or approximately the length of a page, if large.

The lmode parameter specifies how the record should initially be locked (ie. the lock mode). The options are SH (share/read lock) and EX (exclusive/write lock). EX should be used when the pinned record will be eventually updated (through update_rec, unpdate_rec_hdr, append_rec, or truncate_rec). Using EX in these cases will improve performance and reduce the risk of deadlock, but is not necessary for correctness.


The unpin method unpins the current record (assuming one is pinned). The pin object can then be used to pin another record. The destructor automatically calls unpin.


The set_ref_bit sets the reference bit value to use for the buffer frame containing the currently pinned body page when the page is unpinned. A value of 0 is a "hate" hint indicating that the frame can be reused as soon as necessary. By default, a value of 1 is used indicating the page will be cached until at least 1 sweep of the buffer clock hand has passed. Higher values cause the page to remain cached longer.


The repin method repins the previously pinned record, locking it in the mode specified by lmode (see pin for further discussion of lmode. The repin method has a number of uses. First, when the previously pinned record needs to be repinned, it is more efficient to call repin than to call pin with the ID of the record. Second, it can be used to repin the record after some other operation has modified the page containing the record. See the RESTRICTIONS section for further information on this use of repin. Third, repin can be used to upgrade the lock held on the currently pinned record. However, this is usually unnecessary since all of the methods in class pin_i that modify the record will automatically acquire an EX mode lock on the record.


The next_bytes method gets the next range of bytes available to be pinned. Parameter eof is set to true if there are no more bytes to pin. When eof is reached, the previously pinned range remains pinned


The pinned methods returns true, if a record is currently being pinned, and false otherwise.


The pinned_all methods returns true if the pinned region includes the entire record, otherwise. false is returned.


The up_to_date method returns true if a record is pinned and pin no changes have been made to the page containing the record since it was pinned. See the RESTRICTIONS section for information on using this method.



The start_byte method returns the offset, from the beginning of the record, where the pinned region starts. Ie. it is the offset of the location pointed to by the body method. Note: the value returned by start_byte may not be the start location passed to pin since pinned regions are always aligned on page boundaries.


The length method returns the length, in bytes, of the pinned region.


The hdr_size method returns the size, in bytes, of the record header.


The body_size method returns the size, in bytes, of the entire record body (not just the portion pinned).


The hdr method returns a pointer to the pinned header. Note that the pointer is const since the header can only be updated via update_rec_hdr.


The body method return a pointer to the pinned region of the body. Note that the pointer is const since the body can only be updated via the update methods described below.


The is_small method returns true if the record body fits on the same page as the header and thus is pinned in it's entirety.



The serial_no and lvid methods return the logical ID of the pinned record assuming it was pinned using logical IDs. Note: theses IDs are the "snapped" values -- ie. they are the volume ID where the record is located and the record's serial# on that volume. Therefore, these may be different than the ones passed in to pin the record.


The rid method return the physical ID of the record.


The rec method returns the pointer record_t structure that is used internally to access records on pages. Most uses of this structure, such as finding the size of the record, are already provided by other pin_i methods. The primary use of this method is debugging or to do things not provided by other pin_i methods.


update_rec(start, data)

update_rec_hdr(start, hdr)



These methods are used to change a pinned record. They correspond to the class ss_m methods of the same name describe in file(ssm) . They can be called on any pinned record regardless of where and how much is pinned. Using these methods when a record is pinned is considerably more efficient than calling the corresponding ss_m methods. Also, the up_to_date method will return true after calling one of these methods, even though they update the record.



The hdr_page_data method returns a pointer to beginning of the page containing the pinned record header. This is used by the Shore VAS when sending entire pages of records to the client. A page can be interpreted with the shore_file_page_t(ssm) class.

page_containing(offset, start_byte)

The page_containing returns the page ID of the page containing the start_byte offset from the beginning of the record body. This function is not currently supported.

pin_stats(pins, unpins, reset)

The pin_stats method return the number of pins and unpins performed. The pins parameter will equal the sum of all pin and repin calls. The unpins parameter will equal the sum of all unpin repin calls.


mention up_to_date and multiple pins
mention repin


To Do.


To Do.


This manual page applies to Version 0.9.3 (Beta) of theShore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-91-C-Q518.


Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


file(ssm) , scan_file_i(ssm) , intro(ssm) ,