w_rc_t - Shore return code



#include <w.h>
#include <w_rc.h>
class w_rc_t;
class w_rc_i;


The class w_rc_t encapsulates integer error codes, prints error messages for the error codes, lets you build and print stack traces when error codes are returned, and prints an error message if the error codes are not evaluated (checked for errors).

If a function returns a w_rc_t that is ignored, the w_rc_t prints the message

Error not checked
when the instance is destroyed. The error message is printed by the error_not_checked method, making it a useful debugging breakpoint. The w_rc_t maintain reference counts on the various w_error_t structures for the purpose of collecting garbage.


Use the following macros to create and manipulate return codes:

rc = RC(e)
Constructs an instance of w_rc_t containing the current line and file information and the error code e. If e is the constant w_error_t::no_error, the resulting return code's Boolean conversion operator returns false, otherwise it returns true. returns
Constructs an instance of w_rc_t that signifies no error; equivalent to
rc = RC_AUGMENT(rc)
Adds the current line number and file name to the information stored in rc.
rc = RC_PUSH(rc, e)
Pushes a new error code, e, onto the stack along with the current line number and file name.


Printing an instance of w_rc_t descriptive string for the error code to be printed, along with the stack trace (line numbers and file names).

	return RC(eUSERABORT);

	w_rc_t rc = RC(eUSERABORT);

	cerr << rc << endl;


References to w_rc_t structures are counted. Return codes that are destroyed without being checked cause this message to be printed to the standard error stream:

Error not checked

Checking a return code amounts to seeing if its Boolean conversion operator is true or false:

	// call method z, which returns
	// an instance of w_rc_t
	rc = z(); 
	if(rc) {
		// error case
	} else {
		// z() returned RCOK


Sometime a function that returns a w_rc_t will not due so due to a bug. The compiler should catch this, but we've seen gcc miss it. As a result, your program may crash with a stack trace something like this (from gdb):
    #0  0xef7991dc in strrchr ()
    #1  0x44a0 in __ls__FR7ostreamRC9w_error_t (o=@0x10c33c, obj=@0xa000)
        at w_error.c:197
    #2  0xa8728 in __ls__FR7ostreamRC6w_rc_t (o=@0x10c33c, obj=@0xeffff840)
        at w_rc.c:81
    #3  0xa8690 in fatal__6w_rc_t (this=0xeffff840) at w_rc.c:56
    #4  0x3ba4 in main (argc=-268437392, argv=0xeffff914) at hello.C:154


When Shore is configured with -DCHEAP_RC (not the default), a lighter-weight implementation of the class w_rc_t is used (it is found in #include <w_cheaprc.h> ) in order to reduce processing costs. In this case, all the macros described here are defined, but many of them do nothing, since the cheaper implementation of the class maintains no stack trace, line numbers, or file names. All it stores is a single integer representing a single error, and it does no reference-counting.


This manual page applies to Version 1.1.1 of the Shore software.


The Shore project is sponsored by the Advanced Research Project Agency, ARPA order number 018 (formerly 8230), monitored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory under contract DAAB07-91-C-Q518.


Copyright © 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin -- Madison. All Rights Reserved.


error(fc) and intro(fc).