Lloyd Aereo Boliviano A310-304 CP-2307 circa 1997 for FS98 ==================================================================================== LAB livery by: Rafael Zimmermann (I'm really a 2 N's Zimmermann :-) Original A310 model by: Brian Quayle/Tareq Ayub/Jens Dohrn HISTORY: The 1995 acquisition of LAB by Brazilian airline VASP saved the Bolivian carrier from a major collapse at that time. From then on, newer services and jets were added to LAB fleet, like 737-300 and more Airbuses A310-300 for the long range flights, like those which link La Paz with Miami. NOTES: This file has copyrighted design and repaint, it CANNOT BE SOLD! You're able to distribute it freely EVERYWHERE like as include it in static aircraft packages, sceneries, to add sounds & panels, to publish it in personal or FS-related pages, etc, etc. But just be sure of doing that as long as you DON'T CHARGE FOR THE FILES!!!! I'll not allow the use of my repaint textures through any texture converter program or other program without my written authorization. If noticed in any ways, actions will be taken right away! **Some people have already advised me of 3D-video incompatibillity with SOME planes of mine. First of all, none of them was ever designed for 3D use. If you by chance suffer NO problems in 3D video mode, what I consider the ideal thing, that's was just a matter of luck into the textures. I think you all know already that some colors look better in 3D or even just appear, in 3D mode. If you have any problems, there would be nothing I could do at all. Unfortunately I'm not equipped with a 3D video card yet (can't test any results as for pre-releases). Please, excuse-me for this small headache! :-)** NOTE: Lately people are feeling comfortable under 3D usages. Actually I never noticed any "SERIOUS" complain on 3D usage of my aircrafts. Just a single person once told me something like this, but I guess he didn't know what himself was talking about... :-) A WORD OF THANKS & EXTRA CREDITS TO: Emmanuel Parot, a GREAT FS repainter, for the nice work he's developed into the A310's & B-757 series, and also for the usage of the wings texture of this aircraft, that were entirely designed by him, into a very realistic work! Thank you my friend! :-) CONTACT: NEW e-mail: rlzimm@ig.com.br (I can really receive messages from all of you, but I can't still reply them nor send messages to no-one. I hope you excuse-me if you ever write me and don't get a reply those times. I promise I'll take a look on this problem or even change my e-mail address). Have a nice flight and happy landings!!!! Bon vol et joyeux aterrissages!!! ¡Buen vuelo y felices aterrisajes! My best regards, Rafael Zimmermann - CURITIBA - BRAZIL ======================================================================================