United States of America Flag ============================= Description ----------- This scenery places an animated flag of the United States of America at the southern tip of Manhattan Island in New York as a tribute to the men and women who lost their lives in the tragedy on September 11, 2001. This scenery should be fully compatable with all Flight Simulator versions 5.0 and higher, although the ATIS message (tune your COM radio to 118.00) will not be displayed in Flight Simulator 2000. Also, in Flight Simulator 2000 the transparency of the animated flag does not display properly during the daytime around noon. Change Flight Simulator 2000's time to around 7:00 PM best results. For those with Flight Simulator 2000 who will not be able to see the ATIS message, it reads "Let us take this time to remember all of the victims in the tragedy on September 11, 2001. By giving one another support today, we can look toward a brighter tomorrow. God Bless the USA!". No "Exclude" files are necessary for the proper operation of this scenery, and it shouldn't conflict with any of the default Flight Simulator scenery. Installation ------------ To install this scenery, simply copy the file USAFLAG.BGL to your "\Scenery" subdirectory, and the files MARBLE.R8 and USA_ANIM.R8 to your "\Texture" subdirectory. Both of these subdirectories can be found within your main Flight Simulator directory (usually "C:\FLTSIM", "C:\FLTSIM5", "C:\FS95", "C:\Program Files\Flight Simulator 98", or something similar depending on your version of Flight Simulator). This scenery will add an entry to the "World/Airports" menu or the "Goto Airport" menu from within Flight Simulator (depending on the version of Flight Simulator that you are using). In FS98 and FS2000 you must select "Sceneries 6.0 and Before" for it to appear in the "Goto Airport" menu. Other files in this package --------------------------- Also included in this archive are the Airport v2.60 Build 68 sources for the scenery, as well as the modified API macros and graphics that were used when creating it. Copyrights and Legalities ------------------------- This scenery package is (C)Copyright 2001, Rich ¯Weeds¯ Nagel. The USAFLAG.ZIP archive may be freely distributed for any NON-COMMERCIAL purpose as FREEWARE. The archive and/or it's contents may *NOT* be distributed on any commercial CD-ROM or any other commercial magnetic or electronic media (commercial or freeware implied), on any "pay per download" online service, for *ANY* purpose of financial gain whatsoever, or for any purpose other than 100% FREEWARE. God Bless the USA! ------------------ Rich ¯Weeds¯ Nagel 09/11/2001 RichNagel@compuserve.com RFNagel@juno.com http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/RichNagel http://www.geocities.com/RFNagel