ww2txtr.zip Missing texture files for WWIS2 Western Wisconsin Scenery (formerly Central Wisconsin Scenery) For MS Flight Simulator 6 & FS98 Note: Not tested on FS5.1 (but it probably will work) By John Voznak - jvoznak@concentric.net or jvoznak@raex.com 01/31/99 This file includes many texture files that were missing in the WWIS2.ZIP uploaded on 1/18/98. The texture files included are: allmar.r8 backwal.r8 ctower.r8 garage.r8 ict2.r8 ixd1.r8 ks1.r8 trees1.r8 vod12.pat vod15.pat vod51.pat vod52.pat vod53.pat vod60.pat vod61.pat vod62.pat wall1.r8 wall2.r8 wall6.r8 ============ INSTALLATION: Note: you must have downloaded and installed WWIS2.ZIP first. 1. FOR FSFW95 (FS6) USERS: C:\Program Files\FS Scenery\WWis\Texture\ (This is where you put the .r8 and .pat files listed above) An alternative file structure is this: ...\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\Scenery\WWis\Texture\ (This is where you put the .r8 and .pat files listed above) 2. For FS98 USERS: Same as above. =========== RECOMMENDED: I have included texture files (.oav and .pat) that I use in this scenery. I would highly recommend however, that you download and install the texture files from vodtex27.zip and txtur202.zip which can be found at: ftp://ftp.iup.edu/flight-sim/uploads/ I now have a web page for this scenery - the URL is: http://web.raex.com/~jvoznak Note: You can email me with questions or observations at: jvoznak@raex.com Once again - this scenery is FREEWARE!!! Disclaimer: I have developed this scenery on my PC and have had no adverse problems. This does not mean that you won't. Use this scenery at your own risk. Copyright 1997,1998, 1999, all rights reserved.