============================================================================ Cabin View Panel Ver.1 for Boeing 767 converted FSFSConverter98 ============================================================================ Add a screen of cabin window, looking out from screen of cabin "Heavy Jet with 2 engines" series panel converted FSFSConverter98. I was impressed that such a method to use when "737-400 Passenger View panel" of Mr. Ryan Oconnell (http://www.fly.to/fspilot) is seen for the first time? At Japanese Airline, we can look some scenes that takeoff and landing by the screen of cabin. Since "Passenger View panel" is seen, I had a plan to make "Cabin View Panel". At last I decided to release my "Cabin View Panel" today. How to use it : 1) Copy CABIN.BMP and PANEL.CFG of packing together to the flowing folder. C: +-- Program Files +-- Microsoft Gmanes +-- Flight Simulator +-- \Aircraft +-- \FSFSConv \panel.Jet.Heavy.2 You must backup PANEL.CFG of the default surely. 2) Start FS98, and choose Boeing 767 or Heavy Jet of 2 engines. 3) Push Shift+1, Shift+2, for disable meter panels, and push Shift+6, for enable a Cabin View panel. If it in the whole of the screen when a panel is indicated small in the upper left corner, drug is to do the bottom right corner of the panel, and enlarge. Product of Copyright : Microsoft FlightSimulator for Windows 98 FLight Simulator Flight Shop Converter 98 ; Microsoft Corp. Copyright : Yukio Kashiwa (yupapa) E-mail: yupapa@kashiwa.net URL:http://flightinfo.ens.ne.jp/yupapa/ It is freeware, but must only be distributed and/or copied for private or non-commercial use. And if you want upload to any site, would you contact me before upload. 01/Mar. 1999