A quick note regarding the executable: When unpacking the archive remember to use: pkunzip -d nhplus.zip If you don't you may be missing some directoires. When you have compleated this, read the README.TXT file in the game directory for more information. The documentation for the game has been updated now, so most commands should be there ... look, if you can't find an answer, mail me. If you have any questions, just write me with a subject of NETHACK QUESTION. If you find any bugs write me with a subject of NETHACK BUGS, except if they relate to the Fire/Ice Mages Quest ... I *know* they are buggy :) There are two different file groups: (1) Compiler, Tools and Source Code --> If you are downloading the revised source for the first time, or just need a compiler and makefile executer, download the following files: nhplus01.zip, nhplus02.zip, djgpp.zip and readme.txt. You can find these files in the /pub/nethack/ Variants/NhPLus directory of this ftp site. (2) Dos Executable -------------------> The file nhplus.zip contains all the dos executable of Nethack Plus. This archive also includes ChrHack and a nifty batch file to run NH made by yours truly :) You can find these files in the /pub/nethack/Msdos directory of this ftp site. NOTE TO FIRST TIME INSTALLERS: Do not run setup.bat int the c:\nh\sys\share directory, it will cause you nothing but grief ... besides, I already have the makefiles set up :) Thats all folks. Stephen White swhite@cs.mun.ca