Version 2.0b9 ============= July 22, 1994. In a recent beta version, we added a feature where NewsWatcher notifies you after it finishes a long operation in the background by blinking its small icon in the upper right corner of your screen. Another feature of NewsWatcher is that it automatically closes the connection to your news server if the program has been idle for 10 minutes (to keep your news admin happy, always an important consideration). The connection is reopened automatically the next time it is needed. Unfortunately, these two features collided, and you were getting notified when the 10 minute idle close happened. This is confusing, to say the least, and has been fixed. When you quit NewsWatcher, it writes your preferences and any changes to the full group list to the preferences file. NewsWatcher now reports any errors which occur during this update of the prefs file. A few people have reported problems with NewsWatcher saving the full group list. This won't fix the problem, but I hope it will help track it down. Please let me know if you have been having this problem, if you still have the problem with this 2.0b9 version, and whether or not you see any error messages when you quit.