1.3.1: Fixed: Corrected problem with no episodes scarped for Animes without cast 1.3.0: Added: Actors thumbnail Added: Store AniDB.net ID in database (maybe it'll be useful in future ;)) Fixed: Episodes list correction (unexpected change in xml returned from AniDB.net) Changed: 1->2 episode mapping correction Changed: Small plot filtering improvement 1.2.0: Changed: Replace "`" with "'" in all significant texts Changed: Configuration for genres Added: Loading characters + actors/seiyus 1.1.0: Fixed: Workaround for bug #11377 (causes scraper freezing or wrong parses in specific cases) Changed: Splitting settings into categories Changed: Slightly improved Google search Added: Possibility to specify sources (URLs) for anidb.xml and anime-list.xml files Added: Possibility to select official title (+language) over main title Added: Possibility to use personal anime mapping file 1.0.0: Initial commit