2.1.5 - Added NZBMatrix searching for TV, Movies and Music - NZBs.org Music searching - NZBindex.nl search settings adjusted - Newzbin fixes 2.1.4 - Fixed NZBMatrix Music Video feed label 2.1.3 - Added "English Only" filter option to NZBMatrix feeds - Update All Language strings.xml 2.1.2 - Switched to use XBMC built in WOL command - Changed to using json and elementtree XBMC addons instead of including them 2.1.1 - Added Hungarian translation - Added Portuguese translation 2.1.0 - Fixed issues with tvdbAPI - Implemented nzbmatrix support - Implemented Wake-On-Lan functionality - Renamed queue actions "Pause All" and "Resume All" to "Pause SABnzbd+" and "Resume SABnzbd+" - Show current SABnzbd+ speed in queue 2.0.1 - Reimplemented nzbsrus - Added IMDB support for all RSS feeds (Work-in-progress) - Added TVDB scraper for TV and Anime 2.0 - Updated to work with 10.5 add-on system - Added IMDB poster search for NZBS.org 1.5.3 - Added http authentication for newzbin RSS feeds 1.5 - Added settings value for API KEY, should prompt if needed - An RSS feed now only requires %s in the url where the search term is entered for it to be recognised as a searchable RSS feed 1.4.1 - Major cleanup and re-write of code - Set the skin's viewmode to "Movies" when list contains imdb info. Allows for nicer views in some skins. - Fixed newzbin category not being set - Allow the sabnzbd category to be specified per feed - Setting to allow the sabnzbd category to be selected from a list - Fixed passworded sabnzbd queues not opening - Fixed caching time having no effect - Possible fix for crash on linux due to caching - Removed nzbsrus RSS feed until supported by sabnzbd 1.4 - Added posters and movie information from IMDB for newzbin feeds (off by default) - Moved settings from settings.py to "Plugin Settings" (access via the right click menu) - Added more default RSS feeds (tvbinz and nzbindex.nl need sabnzbd 0.4.5) - Added configurable caching of RSS feeds and imdb information - Added icon for newzbin feed - Improved default download icon 1.3.1 - Fixed some backwards-compatability stuff for older XBMC versions 1.3 - Changed the successful sabnzbd add dialog to a notification - Allow items to be deleted/moved in the queue - Fixed sorting under xbox - More failure notices - Problem shwing queue for "fetching" items from newzbin 1.2 - Fixed newzbin cookies, dummy user/pass was being sent - Fixed adding newzbin files 1.1 - Added searching of nzb files from newzbin - Added support for running a password protected sabnzbd - Changed newzbin to use username and password for authentication - Added more error messages to help debug