2013/02/05--> v 1.3.4 Fix: Infinitive loop in EXIF parser due to malformed pictures fixed. Update: EXIF tag "Image Artist" added Update: New translations for tag types: Image Model, Image Make and Image Artist 2013/02/01--> v 1.3.3 Fix: DB version check was wrong 2013/01/31 --> v 1.3.2 Update: XMP mwg-rs:RegionList Face recognition tags now supported 2013/01/30 --> v 1.3.1 Update: Source code cleanup Fix: Fixed unicode error in pathscanner.py Fix: Error in parameters parsing corrected Fix: English language file corrected Fix: DB initialization fixed. 2013/01/22 --> v 1.3.0 Update: scanpaths.py now supports remote shares Update: default.py now supports multi paths Update: Scanning can be cancelled by clicking on the close button of the scan dialog Fix: Problem with plus sign in path names fixed. Fix: Problem with "&" in tags fixed. 2012/12/12 --> v 1.2.11 Fix: Changed all files to Unix style line break Update: New EXIF parser Fix: Synonym for Iptc4xmpCore:Country changed from 'Country' to 'Country Code' 2012/12/12 --> v 1.2.10 Fix: Skin set properties for picture categories produced an SQL error. 2012/12/03 --> v 1.2.9 Update: Changed version number to 3 digits due to request from XBMC team 2012/12/03 --> v Fix: Fanart picture for list items removed. 2012/11/28 --> v Fix: Debug prints removed 2012/11/27 --> v Fix: Scanning fixed for Frodo Beta 1 2012/11/26 --> v Update: Settings dialog changed 2012/11/19 --> v 1.2.8 Update: Changed for first Frodo beta release 2012/11/14 --> v Fix: In any case of an IPTC parser error the complete IPTC tags for the picture will be ignored. Update: Several new imported XMP Iptc4xmpCore and Iptc4xmpExt tags which replace IPTC IIM tags. 2012/11/07 --> v Fix: Unicode error in collections fixed. 2012/11/07 --> v Update: Counting pictures in subfolders changed due to performance. 2012/11/07 --> v Fix: Counting tags corrected. Update: 2 new indexes on table folders and one changed on table files 2012/11/06 --> v Fix: Periods now work even if there are NULL dates in the pictures 2012/11/06 --> v Fix: Browse by date now works even if there are NULL dates in the pictures 2012/11/05 --> v 1.2.4 - 1.2.7 Fix: Changed string variables in SQL statements to bind variables. Fix: Unicode issue in RequestWithBinds() Update: Performance update. New function list_TagTypesAndCount(). 2012/11/04 --> v 1.2.3 Fix: Apostrophes in tags caused errors 2012/11/04 --> v 1.2.2 Fix: DB cleanup function had a bug which caused the "browse by folder" and "browse by date" menus to stop working. 2012/11/03 --> v 1.2.1 Fix: Needed version of script.module.dialogaddonscan set to 1.1.1 due to Frodo changes in add-on. 2012/11/02 --> v 1.2 Fix: Several fixes for Frodo 2012/10/30 --> v Update: Initialization of DB changed. See readme.txt chapter 2) Fix: storageserverdummy path corrected 2012/10/27 --> v 1.1.9 Fix: Missing EXIF version caused an SQL error. Fix: Several fixes for filenames containing an apostrophe Update: Removing missing files and directories from database improved. 2012/10/23 --> v Fix: Deleting files containing an apostrophe. Fix: Debug prints deleted in scanpath.py 2012/10/23 --> v 1.1.8 Fix: Path fixed when retrieving "EXIF DateTimeOriginal", "EXIF ExifImageWidth" and "EXIF ExifImageLength". Fix: EXIF parser now handles JPEG marker APP14 (0xFFEE) with Segment Adobe correctly. 2012/10/22 --> v 1.1.7 Fix: SQL statement to get the "EXIF DateTimeOriginal" changed due to exceptions if tag isn't set. 2012/10/16 --> v 1.1.6 Update: Filter Wizard only show tags if there are pictures Update: Main menu contains a help menu item which shows the readme.txt 2012/10/15 --> v 1.1.5 Update: After adding an exclude path a hint dialog box is displayed to inform the user to rescan the paths. Update: Exclude path can be entered before adding the first include path Update: Browse by folder now with sort method label 2012/10/12 --> v 1.1.4 Fix: Video menu didn't show any videos 2012/10/10 --> v 1.1.3 Update: Container.Refresh(...) for new exclude path(s) 2012/10/09 --> v 1.1.2 Update: New XMP tag Iptc4xmpExt:PersonInImage for people tagging and several more from Iptc4xmpExt extension Fix: Now Frodo compatible Fix: Warning message "problems with charset recognition" removed from IPTC parser 2012/10/06 --> v 1.1.1 Fix: Two UTF-8 / Unicode conversion errors fixed. 2012/09/10 --> v 1.1.0 Update: Filter wizard now has a "not" function. Green checkbox -> picture must contain the tag Red checkbox -> picture must NOT contain the tag 2012/09/08 --> v 1.0.2 Update: Resolution and EXIF:Datetime infolabels set for "Pic Thumbs" view Fix: Error "no such column: files.GPS GPSLatitudeRef" now fixed Fix: English translation 2012/08/07 --> v 1.0.1 Update: New dutch translation from mhdebokx 2012/08/03 --> v 1.0.0 Update: New french translation from mikebzh44 2012/07/30 --> v 0.9.2 Update: Sha not calculated for videos 2012/07/09 --> v 0.9.1 Added: Filter wizard XML files for following skins: skin.aeon.nox.svn, skin.aeonmq.2, skin.glass.svn and skin.refocus.release Update: Performance tuning. Needless DDL commands during scanning removed. Update: New dialog box in "Scan all Paths". Enables you to rescan all pictures even if there are not modified. Update: Latest EXIF parser included. 2012/06/26 --> v 0.9.0 Update: Translation editor for generic tag types. If the translation is empty then the tag type won't be displayed in MyPicsDB menus.[CR]Attention: If the editor doesn't work correctly then deleted MyPictures.db and rescan your pictures. Update: Filter wizard GUI updated (dimensions corrected). Fixed: "Add a path to database" now works correctly after you deleted one/some path(s). 2012/06/25 --> v 0.7.7 Fixed: MikeBZH44 corrected the slideshow for skinners 2012/06/19 --> v 0.7.6 Update: Filter wizard now with splitted list view 2012/06/19 --> v 0.7.5 Fixed: Version mismatch in 0.7.4 2012/06/16 --> v 0.7.4 New: Setproperties method for folder names. See Readme.txt for details 2012/06/13 --> v 0.7.3 Fixed: Forgotten translation for "filter wizard", "OK" & "Cancel". Fixed: XMP tags are now unescaped. New: "Match all tags" button in filter wizard. 2012/06/11 --> v 0.7.2 Fixed: Context menu in browse for tags removed, context menu in tag contents corrected New: Method setproperties. See Readme.txt for details Fixed: openELEC compatibility for directory and file names with non ASCII characters New: New tag filter wizard 2012/04/16 --> v 0.7.0 Update: XMP parser stabilised and corrected Update: New french translation by mikebzh44 from forum.xbmc.org Fixed: Tags and TagTypes count(*) select corrected 2012/04/12 --> v 0.6.9 Update: Started to combine EXIF, IPTC & XMP tags. Update: Several more XMP tags. 2012/04/24 --> v 0.6.8 Update: Browse by tags 2012/04/06 --> v 0.6.7 Fixed: Geolocation with GoogleMaps corrected Fixed: Stat function in scanpath.py throwed exceptions. Update: Danish translation by fungify 2012/04/06 --> v 0.6.6 Fixed: Issue adding a directory [B]partially[/B] fixed. Only partially but better than before. Fixed: Pictures with country but without city tag could only be displayed when there was at least 1 picture with a city tag. Fixed: When accessing a picture without file system permissions the plugin ignores the file access error and continous scanning the other files. Fixed: Unicode bug with danish characters, though I tested it with german umlauts?!?! Update: French translation by fmronan 2012/03/27 --> v 0.6.5 New: Introduction of new tags meta tables 2012/03/27 --> v 0.6.4 Fixed: DB init error 2012/03/27 --> v 0.6.3 Fixed: Changed string dutch & french string.xml from id 30201 till id 30213 2012/03/23 --> v 0.6.2 Fixed: Changed string handling. Internally only unicodes are used which are encoded/decoded for use with xbmc or filesystem. Update: Dutch translations by mhdebokx 2012/03/13 --> v 0.6.1 Fixed: Several unicode errors of migrated branch code fixed 2012/03/13 --> v 0.6.0 Update: Missing branch features integrated 2012/03/09 --> v 0.5.6 Update: Dutch translations by Robotica 2012/03/06 --> v 0.5.5 Update: Unicode issues with IPTC keywords fixed. Keywords are assumed to have UTF-8 encoding and if not then CP1252 (windows western europe) encoding. I hope this will fix most of the issues. Update: "Browse by keywords" replaced by "Browse by tags". IPTC keywords marked with "Keyword:" and XMP PersonDisplayName tags with "Person:" Update: "No keyword in picture" under "Browse by tags" now correctly working. Error in select statement corrected. Added: XMP PersonDisplayName tags retrieved. Added: When adding a new path to the database a cleanup function is called which deletes unused keywords. 2012/02/29 --> v 0.5.4 Update: Unicode issues with keywords fixed 2012/02/14 --> v 0.5.3 "Eden Edition" Update: Unicode issues with filenames fixed 2010/12/23 --> v 0.5 "christmas 2010 Edition" Added : possibility to use remote shares (slow but functionnal) Update : code cleanup, the whole addon is lot more speed New : can now add many folders to scan New : can exclude folders New : show a [g] next to filename if picture is geotagged New : show a map of the picture if it is geotagged (via the contextual menu) New : show stars next to filename if the picture is rated. You can filter pics to show using a setting New : picture extension is editable from the settings New : ability to export in an archive some pictures, ability to copy pictures Update : better use of dates fixed many encoding errors (hopefully not or just few encoding errors still exists) ... and a lot more ! Have a nice Christmas !! 2010/09/23 --> v 0.2 Added : Collections : You can save a set of pictures as a collection. Think about it like an album feature (but I didnt want to use this term) Added : Period sorting : You can sort a set of picture according of their date. The whole period you want from any date of your pictures fixed : some encodings error update : french and english strings files (need updates on german and dutch ones, need more translation for other countries please) Added : icones and fanarts (please feel free to tell me if pictures are not nice as I'm not designer) 2010/09/15 --> v 0.1.3 In the Sort by folder view, the count of the pictures was counting only the pics within the concerned folder, not all the pics from its subfolders 2010/09/14 Fixed an issue that appear when scanning non unicode IPTC metadatas The strings are now localized ready. Please submit string.xml in your language need a german update (maybe correct english lannguage too) 2010/09/13 Added German language for settings fixed : unicode errors in the file path, filename Setting to force reinit of the database on each plugin start is by default set to False. Picture folder will be scanned only at the start of the plugin. Next start, only new pics will be added and pictures physically removed will be removed from the databasse too. 2010/09/10 Count how many pics for each filter 2010/09/09 New way to select pictures to add in the database. Many file extension can be added (as for now are : ".JPG",".TIF",".PNG",".GIF",".BMP") but only jpg will be scanned for EXIF and IPTC metadatas 2010/09/08 --> v 0.1.2 -the uggly log system was missing a file preventing plugin to start. (the log system is not used now, need to remove it later) -the database is now stored in the XBMC\userdata\Database directory, just next to myvideos, mymusic, myprograms databases -the userdata/addon_data was not setted correctly. 2010/09/07 --> v 0.1.1 First beta dharma release as version 0.1.1 2010/09/01 First attempt in porting the plugin to the new dharma addon system 2010/07/29 Very first version just before xbmc dharma release : beta 1