[B]TODO:[/B] - Extract only first 50 items of list ( per page ) - Maybe extract further in the background - download shouldnt be possible if folder isnt set - plugin should pop download settings on first run - Listing should cache intelligently and never fetch more than 50 items [B]Errata[/B] [B]Version 0.8.3[/B] - Fixed: site changes broke episode search [B]Version 0.8.2[/B] - Fixed: site changes broke parts of the show scraper [B]Version 0.8.0[/B] - Fixed: site changes broke downloader [B]Version 0.7.0[/B] - Fixed: Show scraper [B]Version 0.6.0[/B] - Blip.tv changed the layout of their main page and broke most of the scraper - Downloader will no longer try to download a file if the download path is missing. [B]Version 0.5.0[/B] - Blip.tv changed the layout of their site and broke a coupe of feeds - Blip.tv changed the way they serve up files killing the downloader [B]Version 0.4.0[/B] - Blip.tv changed their html and broke the show scraper. - Listing of locally stored folder lists was broken - Cleanup of unused code from template [B]Version 0.3.0[/B] - Updated dependencies on common cache and simple downloader - Fixed scraper for searching episodes [B]Version 0.2.0[/B] - Added Searching for episodes - Added Locally Stored searches for episodes - Added Thumbnails on episode Searches - Added Searching for Shows - Added My Favorite Shows, as a locally stored list of users favorites plus options to add and remove shows from the list - Added Scraper for Popular Shows, Trending Shows, New Shows, Browsing of shows by category, Browsing of popular Episodes by Category etc etc. [B]Version 0.1.0[/B] - Initial POC.