[B]Version 2.1.10 - 2013-03-22[/B] - Added DR Ultra - Removed DR Update [B]Version 2.1.9 - 2013-01-30[/B] - Renamed DR HD to DR3 - Minor fixes to channel logos - Fixed stream for Kanal sport [B]Version 2.1.8 - 2012-09-16[/B] - Updated streams for DR2, DR K and DR Ramasjang [B]Version 2.1.7 - 2012-08-01[/B] - Fixed Kanal Sport, TV/Midt-Vest, TV2/Øst - Added retries and error handling to resolve TV2/Regions stream host - Increased timeout to Danish IP check If you get the error incorrectly just disable the check and it will be skipped completely. [B]Version 2.1.6 - 2012-04-25[/B] - Updated URLs for some TV2/Regions (by request from Fynske Medier) [B]Version 2.1.5 - 2012-04-13[/B] - Always play channels via playChannel(..) [B]Version 2.1.4 - 2012-04-12[/B] - Added Kanal Sport - Use script.module.buggalo for error reporting [B]Version 2.1.3 - 2012-03-16[/B] - Updated DR's streaming urls - Removed 24Nordjyske (they switched to Silverlight Smooth Streaming) [B]Version 2.1.2 - 2012-02-05[/B] - Avoid problem with missing settings - Fixed use of secondary streams from external addons (fx TV Guide) [B]Version 2.1.1 - 2012-01-30[/B] - Fixed DR HD high-quality stream - Added TV2/Bornholm and TV/MIDT-VEST [B]Version 2.1.0 - 2012-01-13[/B] - Updated TV2/Regionerne with the changes after January, 11th - Added danskespil.dk Lotto - Added secondary streams for DRs channel - Show warning if not in Denmark [B]Version 2.0.4 - 2011-12-04[/B] - Added more of the TV2/Regions channels and Folketinget TV - Added setting to group channels - Fix playback of channels from XBMC favourites [B]Version 2.0.3 - 2011-10-03[/B] - Fixed problem with old settings - Added TV2 Nord and TV2 NordPlus streams as a test, they only work when they are broadcasting [B]Version 2.0.2 - 2011-09-27[/B] - Added [I]Best[/I] quality to play streams at best quality available - Changed [I]High[/I] quality to play streams at 1 mbit/s useful for ATV1 users, etc. [B]Version 2.0.1 - 2011-09-20[/B] - Added DR HD - New graphics [B]Version 2.0.0 - 2011-08-12[/B] - Added support for XBMC Eden - otherwise same features as 1.3.0 below. [B]Version 1.3.0 - 2011-08-12[/B] - Removed dependency on script.module.danishaddons - Removed Folketinget as stream was broken [B]Version 1.2.3[/B] - Removed all usages of os.getcwd() [B]Version 1.2.2[/B] - Prepare for official repository [B]Version 1.2.1[/B] - Updated to danishaddons module 1.1.0 [B]Version 1.2.0[/B] - Made it possible to set quality of streams, eg. high, medium, low - Not all streams are available in all qualities - Configurable through the plugin settings [B]Version 1.1.0[/B] - Renamed add-on to Danish Live TV to avoid confusion with DR NU Player - Added streams for 24 Nordjyske and Folketinget TV [B]Version 1.0.2[/B] - Now uses library module for Danish addons [B]Version 1.0.1[/B] - Fixed logos [B]Version 1.0.0[/B] - Initial version