[B]Version 0.5.3[/B] * Fixed: incorrect splitting text in dialogs * Fixed: incorrect time progress calculation * Fixed: wrong api port detection * Fixed: showing success login notifications repeatedly [B]Version 0.5.2[/B] * Fixed: if xbmc.Player doesn't provide runtime, plugin failed to show rating dialog * Fixed: api directors format change + Added: display year after movie name + Added: display episode identification in every episode listings + Added: breadcrumbs for listings + Added: display tvshow name in episode detail * Fixed: show correct titles on home screen (recently added) [B]Version 0.5.1 [/B] - Fixed: labels in movie details - Fixed: dialog navigation, back button, hide dialogs on movie play - Added: mark as already watched when adding files to library - Added: mark as watched from context menu is properly handled - Fixed: bug with movie time evaluation - Fixed: dialogs and windows are now opened immediately after user's requests, data are filled in afterwards - Fixed: few minor bugs [B]Version 0.5.0 [/B] - Added: send software info on checkin - Added: store refresh token for future token-auth - Added: login/settings info, where to sign-up - Fixed: sending wrong position - Fixed: sending checkins wrong api usage - Fixed: restart fails on OSX, trying quit after restart - Added: season 'on-disk' strips in tvshow detail - Improved: idetification, send filenames without xbmc's source path part [B]Version 0.4.9[/B] - Fixed: moved scrobbler/player to main thread, removing one thread - Added: send timestamp for checkin [B]Version 0.4.7[/B] - Added: send checkin w/o rating for a played file stopped before 70% of progress - Fixed: Empty list exception for "Local movies" [B]Version 0.4.6[/B] - Fixed: addon.xml to get into official repository - Added: Show "watched" stripes in tvshow detail - Fixed: few bugs [B]Version 0.0.1[/B] - Initial addon