[B]1.0.8[/B] - Fixed crashing caused by protected, unplayable videos [B]1.0.7[/B] - Introduced search history functionality - Added durations for videos - Added a root-level "Level Up"-category [B]1.0.6[/B] - Fixed a bug where videos could not be played if category ID was defined [B]1.0.5[/B] - Fixed a bug where categories would not be reported correctly [B]1.0.4[/B] - Changed versioning scheme to differentiate frodo from eden branch [B]1.0.3[/B] - Fixed a crash when a video does not have a mp4 or m3u8 entry in the feed [B]1.0.2[/B] - Updated xbmc.python version and language tag for plugin [B]1.0.1[/B] - Initial release