[B]Version 1.5.0[/B] - Rework TMDB api key so that it can be set when initializing metahandlers - soon will require individual keys - Added option in addon settings to delete metahandlers cache db to restart fresh - Fixed refresh episode meta data to hold watched status - Updated tvdbapi calls for better accuracy - Added new config table to cache db - comes with new _set_config(setting, value) and _get_config(setting) methods - Get and set TMDB config values, cache in config table - Properly set TMDB image locations - Temporary SQL update added to clean existing DB's of hardcoded TMDB image url's - keep only filenames [B]Version 1.4.0[/B] - New TMDB API key - Updated calls to TMDB so we only make one request per movie [B]Version 1.3.1[/B] - Fixed bug on getting tvshows from cache - returns None instead of letting exception pass - Re-added db initialization - stupid mistake [B]Version 1.3.0[/B] - Fixed changed watched on episodes (again) - Added fetch of trailers using v3 of tmdb api - Check if a match if found from tmdb before requesting rest of data - Added search on similar movies from tmdb [B]Version 1.2.0[/B] - Reverted back to simplejson import for TMDB scraper - Updated metacontainers folder deleting functionality - Added legacy check on xbmcvfs.mkdir [B]Version 1.1.0[/B] - Updated TMDB scraper to use v3 api - Added multithreaded support - Added language setting [B]Version 1.0.4[/B] - Quick band aid patch for Eden users - xbmcvfs.mkdirs is not included in Eden [B]Version 1.0.3[/B] - Rewrite of get_episode logic - now supports air date - Added search/refresh on tv shows - returns list of possible matches - Many code clean ups and fixes - Early support for batch meta grabs - still WIP [B]Version 1.0.2[/B] - Added MySQL support - Added Year column for TV Shows - Temporary upgrade code in place - Playcount now set for Watched Status in Frodo - Use of common logging function, reduce amount of logs in normal logging mode - Remove usage of date conversion routines - Sending back TVShowTitle for episodes for subtitles to work proper - More error trapping to protect against script errors - Backfilling more missing data from IMDB - Fixed Votes not populating properly [B]Version 1.0.1[/B] - Updated for changes in IMDB field names - Added return of Year for TV Shows - still to do: save Year in DB - Corrected Ratings and Episode values on TV Shows not returning in proper format in all scenarios [B]Version 1.0.0[/B] - Initial Release.