v1.0.25 - version bump for submission to org v1.0.24 - import from remote now configurable to appear in main list as well as via settings v1.0.23 - more fanart fixes v1.0.22 - fixed missing fanart v1.0.21 - Super Folders are now added to Kodi favourites now use Kodi's "special protocol" - unavailable addons can be configured to still be displayed - better use of 'return' parameter for ActivateWindow favourites v1.0.20 - fix in override menu calling VerifySuperSearch each time v1.0.19 - new iSearch items are now imported rather than overwriting - import and export functionality - under the Advanced settings tab - fixed Add to Kodi Favourites - fixed bug where active window was sometimes erroneously reported as 10000 (Home window) - added setting to show unavailable addons v1.0.18 - iSearch can now be added to Kodi favourites - updated iSearch items with fanart - configurable UI name, can be XBMC or Kodi - fixed display of changelog on Android and RPi - several bug fixes when adding via override menu - fixed playback of files - keymaps removed when addon is uninstalled v1.0.17 - stopped changelog appearing inappropriately - added configurable default fanart v1.0.16 - programmble hotkey to launch Super Favourites - thumbails and fanart path now use Kodi's "special protocol" - should simplify copying to other setups - Super Folders sorted alphabetically - added chooser.py script to allow skinners to populate skin settings with Super Favourites shortcuts - see readme - improved fanart handling v1.0.15 - stopped override context menu creation on certain builds of Kodi crashing - changed override context menu to only appear where it makes sense - improved installed addon detection - added preliminary fanart support, currently only on items added via menu overide v1.0.14 - fixed 2nd bug in context menu keymap creation v1.0.13 - fixed bug in context menu keymap creation v1.0.12 - tidy up iSearch keyword when populated via overide menu (configurable) - add iSearch addon to override menu, always shows the first one - iSearch items can now be reordered, renamed, and thumbs changed - folders can inherit image from their first favourite (configurable) - added Play Using Super Favourites to override menu for YouTube videos v1.0.11 - interim release for testing v1.0.10: - Added trailer playback to iRecommend - iRecommend metadata configurable via settings - Individual addon settings now available via context menu - Fixed bug when cancelling thumbnail selection v1.0.9: - Added iRecommend - IMDB based recommendation feature (available from iSearch menu) - Removed skin specific icons - Renamed Super Search to iSearch to avoid confusion with similar feature in other addons - Allow ActivateWindow favourites without a plugin parameter (currently can only be entered manually) eg ActivateWindow(filemanager) - Added list item property to identify current folder within a skin $INFO[ListItem.Property(Super_Favourites_Folder)] - Locked folders now need unlocking before editing/removing - Colourize favourites and folders v1.0.8: - version bump for submission to org v1.0.7: - Changed editing of items to use Select Dialog due to context menu item being full (restricted to 10 items by Kodi) - Choose Thumbnail for 'Explore Kodi Favourites' item - Password protect Super Folders - including configurable caching of passwords - Automatically play m3u playlists - context menu or configurable via settings v1.0.6: - Added Kodi profiles support (importing of profiles into Super Favourites not yet supported) - Added Globalsearch to Super Search - uses a special launcher to bypass GlobalSearch keyboard entry - Changed handling of non-ascii characters - Super Search now callable from anywhere in Kodi, see forum for details - Bug fixes v1.0.5: - Super Search - configurable multi-addon search functionality - Configurable root folder - Pseudo TV Live compatibility v1.0.4: - Fixed context menu override when addon is disabled - Better identification of filetype when using Files.GetDirectory json request v1.0.3: - Improved handling of non-ascii characters - Add back to Kodi favourites for both folders and favourites v1.0.2: - Beta release for testing / feedback - Overide standard context menu, allows direct Adding to Super Favourites from any addon - Added Move Up / Move Down - Super Favourites now launch properly from within Super Favourites - Choose Thumbnails for Super Favourites and Super Folders (including built in icons when using Confluence or ReTouched) - Coloured text works correctly in favourite names v1.0.1: - Bug fixes v1.0.0: - Initial release