0.9.0 - Search capability - Better skin integration - Added Favorite Shows node - Update NextUp widget on stop - Check that service is running - Error handling for non-UNC paths - Photo widget support - Better MB3->XBMC art mapping - Meta-data for playback in-progress items - More granular debug logs - No meta-data cache for less than 25 items (helps with TV status updates) 0.8.5 - Added remote control from other clients (null_pointer) - Added trailer support (im85288) - Added Couch Potato trailer integration (im85288) - Updated to support server security update (xnappo) - Server path substitution support (im85288) - Added premier date and airtime to Upcoming TV (im85288) - Added in-progress Movie and Episode entry points (im85288) - Added percent text to in-progress items (null_pointer) - Aeon Nox widget mods (Recently Added Moves/Episodes, NextUp Episodes) (xnappo) - Added offer delete on episode played option (xnappo) - Added optional progress dialog for large collections (null_pointer) - Various improvements to data presentation (all) 0.8.0 - Improved cache accuracy (null_pointer) - Added Confluence auto-menu creation (add movies, then TV, then others to favorites, relaunch) (null_pointer) - Added hooks for xperience1080++ automation. Gotham only! (im85288) - Added much more art (disc art, clear art banner art etc). Gotham only! (im85288) - Added total play time for boxsets (null_pointer) - Provide skins boxset information (im85288) - Added rotating background fanart (null_pointer/im85288) - Use GZIP for JSON requests (null_pointer) - Added configurable options for played and resume times/percentages (null_pointer) - Added extra information for RecentMovies/Episodes (im85288) - Added RecentAlbums, RandomMovies, RandomEpisodes, RandomAlbums, NextUpTV services (im85288) - Provide runtime and other information in list view (xnappo) - Added 'Studio' metadata (xnappo) - Added 'poster' art (xnappo) - Added BoxSet video node (xnappo) - Added trailers count, fixed movie totals (im85288) 0.7.5 - Added simplejson/json switch - Added simplejson as a requirement - Changed to use 'Type' instead of 'DisplayMediaType' per Luke - Added Confluence skin mods (null_pointer) - Added recentmovie/recenttv list for use by skins (null_pointer) - Bug fix in service to use data from settings - Make using Series art for episodes an option 0.7.0 - Switched all data from XML to JSON - NOTE: If you have added nodes to your main menu, you will need to redo them - Removed local image copying - new image proxy service by Null_Pointer! - NOTE: You can delete the .png files in addon_data! - Added local data cache (null_pointer) - Changed 'Play All From Here' to start from current episode - Fixed crash in latest episodes when a 'special' is present - Fixed DVD playback 0.6.5 - Added preliminary transcoding support - Added preliminary music support (plays, no metadata yet) - Fixed bug with non-ASCII characters in collection name - Gracefully handle username not specified - Fixed XML compliance issue for official repo submission 0.6.0 - Added resume tracking - Added playback from resume point (SMB only) - Added support for multiple users - Added password authentication - Added SMB username/password option - Added option to play from HTTP instead of SMB (note: resume does not work with this option) - Added default sort modes - Changed to not resolve real path until playback. Pi speedup? - Fixed boxsets containing only one movie - Removed xml caching - not needed (switched from httplib2 to requests) - Cleaned up more for official repo submission requirements 0.5.5 - Finished requirements for official repo submission - Added localization - Added 'Auto enter single folder items' option - Added 'Play from here' - Added Genre filter to context menu - Added 'NextUp' menu entry 0.5.0 - Added Sorting support via Context Menu - Added Sort order support via Context Menu - Fixed bug with unaired shows appearing in TV - Fixed bug with certain characters causing errors in playback path 0.4.5 - Added Recently Added Movies, TV - Added Favorites support (excuse the trophy icon instead of heart, best I could do) - Added Upcoming TV - Added option to mark watched on play (still not progress tracking) - Preparing for official repository submission (dos2unix lfs) - Made context menu smarter - Use Show art for Episodes (for now - MB3 episode artwork doesn't play well will XBMC skins) - Changed cache to default to 0 (off) - this was needed only because of a FlexRaid issue on my system 0.4.0 - Added section title - Display correct list type for category - Implemented context menus for delete/mark watched/mark unwatched. - Added episode numbers - Added cast info 0.3.0 - Fixes boxsets - Added meta-data 0.2.0 - Added caching - Removed more plex stuff - XBMB3C-specific settings 0.1.0 - Initial release