EMWAC Database Project Demonstrator =================================== These 2 disks contain files relating to the EMWAC database demonstrator project. There are two separate demonstrator applications distributed on these disks. 1. odbc version The odbc version communicates with a remote server and requires odbc and operational communications. All the files relating to the odbc version of the demonstrator are contained on disk 1. 2. emulator version The emulator version emulates communication with a remote server using separate Access databases (3 additional Access databases). The files relating to the emulator version of the demonstrator are spread over the two disks. All 4 Access databases need to be loaded for the emulator demonstrator to work fully. All read-me files have extension .txt and are plain ascii text files. All Access databases are compressed using pkzip. They must be decompressed using pkunzip before being used. pkunzip is available as shareware from PKWARE Inc. Installation instructions for the odbc and emulator versions of the demonstrator are in the directories odbc.ver and msacc.ver respectively. Likewise, brief instructions for using the applications are also contained in the directories odbc.ver and msacc. Disk 1 contains the following files: copyrite.txt Copyright notice. disclaim.txt General disclaimer notice. readme.txt This file. msacc.ver Directory containing files relating to 'server emulation' (Access only) version of the application. It contains: accc91pr.zip Compressed Access database containing the 'server emulation' version of the application. c91cntrl.zip Compressed Access database emulating server control database. c91dum1.zip Compressed Access database emulating server Census database 1. readme1.txt Installation instructions for the emulator version of the demonstrator. readme2.txt Instructions for using the application. odbc.ver Directory containing files relating to the odbc version of application. Contains: odbcc91pr.zip Compressed Access database containing the odbc version of the application. readme1.txt Installation instructions for the odbc version of the demonstrator. readme2.txt Instructions for using the application. Disk 2 contains the following files: copyrite.txt Copyright notice (same as disk 1). disclaim.txt General disclaimer notice (same as disk 1). readme.txt This file (same as disk 1). msacc.ver Directory containing files relating to the emulator version of the application. Contains: c91dum2.zip Compressed Access database emulating server Census database 2. odbc.ver Directory containing files relating to the odbc version of application (empty).