The "Sound Effects Pro Pack" for Flight Simulator ================================================= by Rich ¯Weeds¯ Nagel The "Sound Effects Pro Pack" is a set of new replacement WAV format sound effect files for use with Flight Simulator 5.x. All of FlightSim's sound effects have been replaced with MUCH better sounding ones, and also a few new sound effects have been added. The files are only sampled at 11,111, but they still sound TOP NOTCH even with their low audio quality (and a thousand times better than the sounds that ship with FS5 ). Also included are a new prop engine sound file (TWINPROP.WAV) suitable for a light to a medium twin (such as a Beechcraft B58 Baron), and a set of new files to add thunder sound effects into FS5.x! All of the sound effects were carefully selected and meticulously mixed, and the jet and prop sounds are FLAWLESSLY looped. All if the sounds were mixed using "GoldWave" and "Cool Edit Pro". Flight Simulator 95 uses almost the same set of sounds as FS5.x does, so this pack will be a marked improvement for this version too. The "Sound Effects Pro Pack" can be freely distributed for any NON-COMMERCIAL purpose as long as no modifications are made, and the SFXPPAK5.ZIP archive and the files contained within it are unmodified. To install the sound effects, simply copy the WAV files to your "\SOUND" subdirectory within your main Flight Simulator 5.x directory (usually "C:\FLTSIM5" or "C:\FS5"). You first may want to back up the existing sound files in case that you don't like these, but after actually hearing the new ones you'll probably not want to revert back to the originals . The files in this archive are: CRASH.WAV --------- Tired of that SICK sound of a Coke (tm) bottle breaking on the SLIM chance that you actually crash ? This one's for you! FILE_ID.DIZ ----------- Brief description of this package. GEAR_DN.WAV/GEAR_UP.WAV ----------------------- Replaces the landing gear sounds. No more "busted electric can opener" here! JET1.WAV -------- Replaces the jet engine sound. Your jet engine has been upgraded from an electric hair dryer to what the big boys play with. Now, you can FEEL those turbines! PROP.WAV -------- Replaces... whaddya think ? A VERY nice prop sound that has a bit more rumble to it. That Cessna engine has got a bit more "oomph" than ya thought! SCREETCH.WAV ------------ Replaces the tire screetch with a TWO tire screetch sound (I always knew that my landings were never THAT good ). SFXPPAK5.TXT ------------ You're reading it! SPLASH.WAV ---------- Replaces the splash sound. Rename to "SCREETCH.WAV" for nice realistic landing sounds for use with a seaplane. Where the heck is that "outboard" when you need it? THUNDER.ADV/THUNDER.APL/THUNDERM.APL/THUNDERW.WAV/THUNDERS.WAV/THUNDERD.WAV --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I really did miss the thunder sound that was in FlightSim 4.0b after upgrading to FlightSim 5.x (at least the one that *I* had created for it ). The original one that shipped with SGA and AAF for FS4 was to say the least, AAACCCK! Included in this package are two Flight Shop adventures (sources included) and three new sound effects that add the thunder sound effects back into FS5.x. Watch out for lightning strikes after installing these ! These adventures provide varying degrees of random thunder sound effects based on the amount of Cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) cloud coverage. One of the adventures is a standalone Flight Shop adventure (THUNDER.ADV), while the other is a custom module for use with ATC Workshop generated adventures (THUNDERM.APL). To use the new thunder sounds and the standalone Flight Shop adventure, copy the three WAV files files to your "\ADVWAV" subdirectory, and the THUNDER.ADV file to your "\ADV" subdirectory. To use the custom module for ATC Workshop, copy the THUNDERM.APL file to your "\FLTSHOP" subdirectory. You'll now hear thunder anytime that you have an active Cumulonimbus cloud layer in FS5.x. BTW, I believe that several of the newer versions of FlightSim (FS95 and FS98) also don't have any thunder sound effects. You can also use the adventure and new sound effects with those versions by first converting the adventure with the "Flight Shop Converter" (a.k.a. the "Aircraft and Adventure Converter") for your specific version of FlightSim. TWINPROP.WAV ------------ Replaces the prop engine sound with a new sound suitable for a light to a medium twin. Those twin engine aircraft just don't sound quite right with a single Cessna engine . To use this sound file, rename it to PROP.WAV in your "\SOUND" subdirectory. In conclusion: I realize that there is hardly ANYONE still flying Flight Simulator 5.x anymore (except for me ), but since I am *STILL* flying it, and these new sounds make it SO much better, I figured that I'd share them with the world. ENJOY! Rich ¯Weeds¯ Nagel 09/01/2000 P.S. "FlightSim Forever!"