Low Rsolution (256 color) Fix for the BAe146 Panel for Microsoft FS2000! by Matthias Lieberecht Lieberecht@cw-net.de May 05, 2001 Here are some replacement low resolution Bitmaps for the BAe146 Panel. With this 256 color Bitmaps you will get a higher Framerate than with the high resolution Bitmaps of the original Panel. The original Panel (Ml146f2k.zip) is required for this update. This Update ist just for the FS2000 Version and doesn't work together with the Parking Brake fix!!! Installation: Just unzip all files into the Panel folder of FS2000 where you've installed the original Panel. Take care that you replace the existing panel.cfg. That's all. Feel free to send feedback or comments. I'm looking forward to your Mails to know in which part of the world this panel is used. Matthias Lieberecht Lieberecht@cw-net.de and visit my Homepage: http://home.vr-web.de/~lieberecht/start.htm