Downtown Spokane, Washington, and Riverfront Park for Microsoft Flight98 Author: Brian Moat, Created using Airport 2.60, and Visual Object Designer 3.0 (thanks for both!!) Requires VOD Textures ( Suggested file: This is the downtown area of Spokane, Washington, USA, including Riverfront Park, the site of Expo '74, remnants include the Carousel and giant Radio Flyer wagon on the South edge, The Spokane Opera House (at the East end of the park), and the US Pavilion, Imax Theater, and Burlington Northern clocktower, located on the main island at the center of the park. There are also many skywalks in Spokane, and I think I got them all, plus many of the larger buildings in the downtown Spokane area. This is a patch to repair a few glitches with the original file (, but the original file is not required. If you have installed, overwrite the original riverft.bgl file with this updated one. This scenery is a wonderful complement to Rob Diebolds, a scenery file that accurately depicts Spokane International Airport (GEG), and there may be one or two conflicts between them. I am working to resolve these as best I can. It is rather system intensive, and runs on my P133 system with 48 Meg of ram at roughly 3 frames per second. (I equate it to flying underwater) Installation: You must have the above mentioned VOD textures installed, to fully enjoy this scenery, having said that, you can either copy the bgl file (riverft.bgl) to a scenery file created specifically for it (ie c:\program files\microsoft games\flight simulator\scenery\spokane\scenery), and then add and activate the folder within the scenery library, as with any other scenery file, or you can take my favorite shortcut, and copy the bgl file to any scenery file that is already active, copy the .r8 and .pat texture files to the main flight texture file, the next time you start flight, the bgl will be loaded along with the rest of the bgl files. This scenery is freeware, and is not intended for use in any 'for profit' projects.