========================================================================= VERY IMPORTANT VERY IMPORTANT VERY IMPORTANT VERY IMPORTANT VERY IMPORTANT I don't know if I will be able to produce a new version of this file. Maybe this is the last version I can produce. If anyone wants to take over the maintenance of this listing, please contact me ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Here is, allwor4d.zip. I think it is completely updated as 29th September 98 You can find information about 2121 files. Please look up to the first column of each line to see what is New and what is Updated. Information about obsoleted files has been reduced and obsoleted sceneries have been moved to the end of the listing. ========================================================================= ALLWOR4D.ZIP (version 4d) has five files ALLWOR4D.TXT, which is this file you are reading ALLWOR4D.ESP, es el texto de introduccion en espaņol ALLWOR4D.DOC, Word 6.0 format document ALLWOR4D.DOS, Text only format document READ.ME, an important notice file Best viewed and printed in landscape format.What these files contains is a listing of scenery files for MS FlightSimulator (5.xx, FSFW95 and FS98) covering all the world. Each file entry contains location (where it can be found), version, name, size, date of release, author and a short identification of scenery covered. What is different from other similar listings is that the files are grouped by states/nations and that there are lot of indications about requirements, compatibility, conflicts, combinations, obsolescence, etc. I won't say that if an scenery is not found here it doesn't exist, but please if you know of any scenery (given the restrictions found in the listing) that is not here and should, and can be found in Internet, drop me an e-mail. Any other comments concerning errors in the data (both concerning to the files themselves or concerning geographic concepts) are also very welcome to make this list more accurate and complete. I would like to thank all the people who made in the past some comments and to all that encouraged me to continue the work, because they found ituseful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New in version 4D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Deleted obsoleted files (76 files), included new files, updated information. Please delete old versions of this file. This version is complete and obsoletes previous versions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE FOR SCENERY DESIGNERS. I want to thank all the scenery designers for their work and to make itavailable to the rest of the FS comunity (in most of the cases Free of Charge, or nearly). I encourage them to work together to make the sceneries more compatible.I really hope none of the authors is uncomfortable of being included in this list. Due to the great number of files, locations, etc., it is very difficult to keep the listing accurate and up to date. If you detect an error, please drop me an e-mail in order to correct the error. It would be nice (and this is a personal opinion) that sceneries do not include in the distribution files common textures (airport, VOD, FSASM, etc.). Just only indicate that it is required. It would be nice also that static aircrafts and dynamic scenery are included in separate files. I prefere also that pictures are not included in the distribution files. All these recommendations are in order to save a lot a bandwidth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE on distribution of this file The complete package must be distributed together as is.It can be uploaded to any FTP or WWW server that is free of charge. (please drop me an e-mail to know to what extent the file is widespread) It cannot be distributed by any electronic mean where money is charged to the user. There is no warranty that this file will be mantained on regular basis (although of course I will try to). In other words, I am not able to assume any compromise to do this work very regularly (weekly or less). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nels Anderson, at www.flightsim.com is now doing a great work to provide an on-line guide to sceneries, with clickable maps. This reduces a little the utility of my listing, but I think that it still provides an added-value and I see both works as complementaries. (You can take a look to the listing, see what you want and then go to the clickable map to download) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Take a look also to the SCENERY HALL OF FAME http://www.erols.com/tdg/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Javier Gallego jjga@poboxes.com