****************************************************************** FS98 DC-3 panel, 70's era Version 1 Original .bmp file by Jim Laskowski 2/99 Created with PANMAKE V.2.5.3 by Michel Polski, 1998, a truely great panel making utility. For 800x600 resolution or better. ****************************************************************** Propliner.*.gau's by Tom Gibson http://members.aol.com/TGFltsim/ HGHB_*.gau by HGHB Virtual Instruments http://fly.to.HGHB prop2ERK*.gau Propliner gauges by Ernie Kennedy erniek@iinet.net.au *********************************************************************** NOTE: Many classic airliners can be downloaded free from Tom Gibson's Classic Airliner WEB site at - http://members.aol.com/TGFltsim/ ************************************************************************** INTRODUCTION This panel was drawn from an internet photo and resized to provide the captain's view of a DC-3 panel from the 70's era. It retains the feel of a real DC-3 panel view. I placed the gauges and controls as near as possible to that of a real DC-3 within the constraints of FS98. Please use a good sound file when using this panel for added realism. These may be found at Tom Gibson's "Clasic Airliners" page: httm://members.aol.com/TGFltsim/index.html THIS PANEL IS FOR FS98 ONLY! IT WILL NOT WORK IN FS4, FS5, OR FS95. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Unzip all files to a temp folder. 2. Unzip the contents of Gauges.zip to the \Gauges directory of FS98. 3. Make a directory in \FSFSConv called "panel.DC3mod2"...omit quotes. (ex. ..\Aircraft\FSFSConv\panel.DC3mod2) 4. Copy or Move all the remaining files from the D3mod2.zip into this new directory 5. Go to your Aircraft's panel directory for the plane that you want to use with this panel and then edit the "panel.cfg" file found there to read : [fltsim] alias=FSFSConv\panel.DC3mod2 Make no other changes. Use Notepad to edit the file. You will merely be replacing the name of the aircraft's current panel with the name of the new panel you wish to use with it. NOTE: Do not edit the panel.cfg file that comes with DC3mod2.zip!! ************************************************************** Now the legal stuff and credits: COPYRIGHT 1999 BY JIM LASKOWSKI, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Propliner.*.gau's copyright by Tom Gibson Prop2ERK*.GAU's COPYRIGHT 1998 BY ERNIE KENNEDY. SIGNS.GAU COPYRIGHT 1998 BY CHRISTIAN KOEGLER. THESE MAY BE FREELY DISTRIBUTED AS LONG AS THEY ARE USED IN FREEWARE PANELS. PLEASE GIVE PROPER CREDIT TO THE AUTHORS. I received some .gau files with no author information and for those I regret I can not give proper credit. However I claim no credit for designing or building any of these gauges. PORTIONS OF THIS PANEL UTILIZE DEFAULT GAUGES THAT ARE COPYRIGHT 1997 BY MICROSOFT CORPORATION. THE DEFAULT PORTIONS OF THE REPAINTED GAUGES ARE COPYRIGHT 1997 BY MICROSOFT CORPORATION, MODIFICATIONS ARE COPYRIGHT 1998 BY TOM GIBSON, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THESE FILES ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE AUTHOR, AND CANNOT BE RE-SOLD OR PACKAGED WITH ANY PRODUCT FOR SALE, WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE AUTHORS. THIS IS FREEWARE!! THE GAUGES IN THIS ARCHIVE WHICH BEGIN WITH THE WORD "PROPLINER" MAY NOT BE USED IN OTHER PANELS (WHETHER USED AS IS OR MODIFIED) WITH OUT CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR/MODIFIER (Tom Gibson), AND THIS MESSAGE MUST ACCOMPANY THE GAUGES: "Some gauges in this panel were used originally in the DC-6 IFR panel by Tom Gibson; this panel is available at Tom's Classic Airliner Page, http://members.aol.com/TGFltsim/". SEVERAL OF THE OTHER INCLUDED GAUGES MAY BE AVAILABLE ELSEWHERE ON THE INTERNET FOR SEPARATE DOWNLOAD, HOWEVER. YOU MAY UPLOAD THIS INTACT FILE ARCHIVE TO ANY OTHER SERVER THAT HAS A FREE DISTRIBUTION POLICY. IF THESE FILES ARE UPLOADED TO RESTRICTED SERVERS (I.E. COMPUSERVE)(NOT THE AUTHOR'S INTENTION), THEY MAY BE DOWNLOADED AND UPLOADED TO OTHER SERVERS. THIS NOTICE CONSTITUTES THE AUTHOR'S PERMISSION AND REQUIREMENT TO ALLOW THIS. THIS FILE ARCHIVE MAY NOT BE UPLOADED TO SERVERS THAT HAVE A SPECIFIC CHARGE TO DOWNLOAD THIS ARCHIVE. THIS FILE ARCHIVE MAY BE UPLOADED TO SERVERS THAT HAVE A CHARGE FOR THEIR GENERAL USE (OR A FEE FOR IMPROVED ACCESS); HOWEVER, IF THIS TEXT FILE IS OMITTED OR MODIFIED IN ANY WAY LEGAL ACTION WILL RESULT. THIS ENTIRE TEXT FILE MUST BE INCLUDED IN ANY DISTRIBUTION. DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE ARCHIVE WITHOUT PERMISSION! ----------------------------------------------------------------- HGHB Disclaimer & Copyright Notes: The End-user can use these gauges in his own panels, wherever he likes. The Share/Payware designer can use it in his panels, after paying a small fee. If this gauge is to be used in a freeware panel, there is NO fee , although some rules apply: Before issueing the panel anywhere , HGHB must have given the permission to redistribute the gauge. To be able to grant this permission, we must have a copy of the specific panel. Also this readme file must be included in the panel archive.Panel Designers who have got permissions before, donīt need to ask us again..... The work used here is copyrighted material. The files may not be altered in any way. If you want to to so, for any work you give away, either as freeware or payware, you need our written compliance. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Readme file has to be included in every panel where the gauges are used. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE AUTHORS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGE THAT YOU MIGHT INCUR AS A RESULT OF USING THESE PRODUCTS. YOU ASSUME THE RISK OF USE. END