........... Hot Air Balloon for Flight Simulator 98 only ............ ............Designed by Rob Thorne .......... Firstsim98 ............ · V1.0 Nov 1998 Original design. · V1.1 Feb 1999 Modified Instrument panel. Please read all of this ReadMe file, as it includes important information on installing and flying the Hot Air Balloon. What's Included: 1 main folder : FHab0299 - containing: 1 ReadMe : The file your reading now 3 various files 9 .GAU files : put these in your default FS98 gauges folder 4 sub folders : model : panel : sound : texture 1 .stn file : put this in your default FS98 pilots folder 1 sub folder : Info ReadME. Info on the Balloon and a Help file. Very easy Installation guide: Close this ReadMe.txt file. Close the FHab0299 folder. Highlight the FHab0299 folder. Go to Edit, Copy the FHab0299 folder. Go to your Flight Simulator 98 folder and open it. Open the Aircraft folder. Go to Edit, then click on Paste. Now Open the FHab0299 folder. Highlight the 9 .GAU files. Go to Edit, Copy the files. Close the FHab0299 folder. Close the Aircraft Folder. Now Open the Gauges folder. Go to Edit, then click on Paste. O.K. that's it, now just close all folders and start Flight Simulator 98 as normal and select the aircraft like any other aircraft. You can also go to the Select Flight menu, and select the flight Hot Air Balloon. Keep the original FHab0299.zip file safe in case you need to re-install it at a later date. You can delete the FHab0299 folder that you un-zipped to save disk space, but not the one copied to Flight Simulator 98 Aircraft folder, you can also delete the 8 .GAU files from the FHab0299 folder but not the one's you copied to Flight Simulator 98 Gauges folder. Note: After selecting the Hot Air Balloon select 'Checklists' for detailed information on flying the hot air balloon. Press SHIFT+C as many times as required to keep selecting Checklists. The Balloon has been fine tuned and is very easy to fly. SPECIAL NOTES: 1. Make sure that 'Auto-coordination' is OFF in ............. 'Aircraft Settings', otherwise Balloon will become unstable. 2. You will need to adjust the TRIM in level flight as this is quite different to other aircraft. HOW TO TRIM......... To TRIM the balloon, take off with FULL POWER, Pull back on the stick so as to climb at about 400 ftpm, make sure that Num Lock is OFF. Now level off, then tap the No 1 key about 4 times so that the climb is about 200-300 ftpm climb rate. Now when you reduce the Gas Burn Pressure (throttle) to the ORANGE section the Balloon will be trimed for level flight. Feel free to distribute this Freeware Balloon software. You must leave this ReadMe.txt file in place unaltered. All trademarks and brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Any comments to firstsim98@aol.com (or) firstsim@sim98.freeserve.co.uk