JABGau98 - Author : Jacky Brouze - brouzej@vtx.ch ================================================= Gauges manager for FS98 and CFS - Version 2 - Freeware Description : ------------- JABGau98 reads every gauges (*.GAU files) and panels (PANEL.CFG files) in FS98 or CFS. It displays which gauges are used by each panel and vice versa. It allows to move unused gauges to a sub-folder in the FS98's or CFS's GAUGES folder. It checks your panels, showing which gauges are missing - if any. Distribution : -------------- Freeware - All rights reserved - Distribution allowed on totally free Internet sites. Any other distribution subject to author's prior agreement. Do not make money with this program ! Warning : --------- This program should not harm your computer. The author of this program will not be held responsible for any misshap on any system where this program is installed. You use this program at your own risks. Author : -------- Jacky Brouze - brouzej@vtx.ch http://www.simvol.org/ http://simvol.decollage.org/ Installation : -------------- 1) Full version (with VB5 files) : - Unpress in a temporary folder - Exit unzipper - Double-click on "SETUP.EXE" ... sorry, french dialogs ... but straightforward ... have your dictionnary under the elbow ;-)) - Run JABGau98 ... and choose your language ! 2) Short version (without VB5 files) : - Unpress in a new folder "C:\Program Files\JABGau98" for example - Exit unzipper - Run JABGau98 ... and choose your language ! Enjoy it ! Jacky