Wryder series - pictures of Winona Ryder scanned by Rohan Byrnes. Email: byrnes@aedmel.arl.dsto.gov.au or: Rohan.Byrnes@dsto.defence.gov.au wryder26.jpg - Face Magazine 94, strategic CD's! wryder27.jpg - grey-scale portrait, Face Mag 94. wryder28.jpg - grey-scale, side-on, fingers in mouth, Face 94 wryder29.jpg - grey-scale, famous bathtub shot, Face 94 wryder30.jpg - grey-scale, side-on, Face 94 wryder31.jpg - grey-scale, eating ice at fridge, Face 94 wryder32.jpg - grey-scale, straigt on, cigarette in mouth, Face 94 wryder33.jpg - grey-scale, in see-through top, Face 94 wryder34.jpg - Premier Mag. cover July 94 wryder35.jpg - Reality Bites, portrait in dim lighting wryder36.jpg - grey-scale, at coffee shop wryder37.jpg - in red t-shirt on bed looking up wryder38.jpg - grey-scale, out cycling wryder39.jpg - Reality Bites, rooftop with Ethan Hawke & pizza wryder40.jpg - Reality Bites, at the Gas-mart wryder41.jpg - Reality Bites, D&M with Ethan Hawke wryder42.jpg - with Ben Stiller & Ethan Hawke wryder43.jpg - House of the Spirits poster wryder44.jpg - in sexy evening dress wryder45.jpg - with Jeneane Garafolo wryder46.jpg - Reality Bites portrait wryder47.jpg - Sexy portrait, side-on, head & shoulders wryder48.jpg - head & shoulders portrait, orange lighting, similar to #04 wryder49.jpg - with Dave Pirner at Woodstock 2 wryder50.jpg - chilling out in NYC with Dave Pirner