Administering Standalone Versus Networked Systems

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Administering Standalone Versus Networked Systems

  Security precautions that should be taken when administering standalone systems also apply to networked systems. Although a discussion of security threats for standalone systems is out of the scope of this report, the following is a list of several security precautions to consider when administering a system regardless of whether the system is standalone or connected to a network.

It is common for workstations to be primarily used by an individual user. As a result, individual users are forced to become system administrators. Users of individual systems may either not have the knowledge to securely configure their workstation, or may decide to sacrifice security for convenience. In order to protect against unauthorized use, systems should be responsibly administered, regardless of whether they are standalone, or networked single-user or multi-user systems.

John Barkley
Fri Oct 7 16:17:21 EDT 1994