HOW TO CRACK 1-ROUND-RC5 IN A KNOWN PLAINTEXT ATTACK The 1-round RC5 can be cracked directly if you know at least some plain- text-ciphertext word pairs. rc5_1_crack is a program to demonstrate how fast such a cracking can be. In theory, the method works as follows: The RC5(32,1,*) encoding can be described as follows (cf. rc5.txt for notations): A0 = A + S0 (1) B0 = B + S1 (2) A1 = ((A0^B0)<<>>A1)^A1 - B We subtract two such equations for different values of A1&31 (i.e., different rotation amounts) and get an equation of the form (X>>>K)^P - ((X+D)>>>L)^Q = R (5) with known K, L, P, Q, R and unknown X = B1-S3. This equation can be solved for L > K (this is done in solve_X()), maybe not unique. So we get S3, then B0, and then S1. The other part of the key - S0 and S2 - can be obtained analogously from (1) and (3). How to use rc5_1_crack is described in the source. Equation (5) will be solved the faster the smaller L-K is. BOUND, defined in rc5_1_crack.c, is a reasonable upper bound for this difference. In practice, the solution (tested against the given pairs) was always unique. Maybe, this can be proved but I have not enough time and motivation to do this. More interesting is the practical result: The computation time on a Pentium-133 under UNIX V.4.2 (ESIX) with a Pentium-optimizied compiler was in all tested cases about 2ms (!) with only 24 bytes of plaintext needed. **************************************** With other words: If somebody uses RC5(32,1,*) in ECB mode (i.e., iden- tical plaintext pairs give identical results), and we know only 3 (or a bit more) plaintext word pairs together with the corresponding cipher- text pairs, his whole message is expected to be decoded within millise- conds. The amount of about 3 ARBITRARY pairs is interesting since the investi- gation of Kalinski and Yin showed that 128 CHOSEN PAIRS suffice to crack RC5(32,1,*). Nevertheless, such a result could be expected since RC5(32,1,*) is simple and special, whereas the paper of Kalinski and Yin treates the general, much more complicated case. I think, rc5_1_crack is useful to show outsiders how fast and simple-to-use the cracking of such a simple method can be. Reinhard Wobst