============================================================ File 0XECSUM.TXT: "EXECUTIVE SUMMARY" Heureka-2 AntiVirus/AntiMalware Product Test "2002-02" antiVirus Test Center (VTC), University of Hamburg ============================================================ [Formatted with non-proportional font (Courier), 72 columns] *************************************************************** Content of this file: *************************************************************** 1. Foreword of the Editor 2. VTC Testbeds used in VTC Heureka-2 test "2002-02" .1 Reasons for Heureka tests .2 From Heureka-1 to Heureka-2 test 3. Products participating ins Heureka-2 Test "2002-02" Table ES2: List of AV products in VTC Heureka-2 test 4. Results of on-demand persistent detection under Windows-NT 4.1 .1 Development of Zoo Macro virus detection rates Table "Heureka-2.MZ" .2 Discussion of essential MZ results 4.2 .1 Development of ITW Macro virus detection rates Table "Heureka-2.MI" .2 Discussion of essential MI results 4.3 .1 Development of Macro Malware detection rates Table "Heureka-2.MM" .2 Discussion of essential MM results 4.4 .1 Development of zoo Script virus detection rates Table "Heureka-2.SZ" .2 Discussion of essential SZ results 4.5 .1 Development of ITW Script virus detection rates Table "Heureka-2.SI" .2 Discussion of essential MI results 4.6 .1 Development of Script Malware detection rates Table "Heureka-2.SM" .2 Discussion of essential SM results 4.7 Comparison of Heureka-1 and Heureka-2 results 4.8 Grading WNT products according to "Heureka-II" results 5. Availability of full test results 6. Copyright, License, and Disclaimer ***************************************************************** 1. Foreword of the Editor: ========================== 1.1 Reasons for Heureka tests ----------------------------- When VTC test "2001-04" was discussed, the question was raised whether related products would be able to detect also viruses found signifi- cantly after their engine and signature date. Methodologically, AntiVirus products are also able to detect "new" viruses when they resemble to a certain degree to a yet known virus family: in this case, variants of a given family are usually detected with "generic" methods. An AV product may also analyse, usually in a specific - often called "heuristic" - mode, whether there are symptoms which may relate to some viral mechanism. In the first case, AV products detect such viruses in their "normal" modes, esp. including those which give "optimum detection" (as usually adressed in VTC tests). But in the latter case, a special switch must be set to enable the special heuristic mode. In order to start from a known basis of detection from which we may compare developments for 2 consecutive 3-month periods, we decided to use the same products and options as in the last VTC test. Conse- quently, though this test adresses detection of viruses hitherto unknown to any AV product, it is NOT a "heuristic test" (where we would have to use options adapted to heuristic search). We there- fore named it a "Heureka" test (from Greek: "I have found"). 1.2 From Heureka-1 to Heureka-2 test: ------------------------------------- The following restrictions apply /partially due to the fact that Heureka tests overlap with ongoing "normal" tests): - Heureka (1,2) tests adress only products under W-NT, - testbeds include macro and script viruses, both in zoo and In-The-Wild, plus related non-viral malware. Testbeds for Heureka-1 test: - the reference testbed was frozen on October 31, 2000; testbed ".011" contained all zoo macro and script viruses which were first reported between November 1, 2000 and January 31, 2001 - testbed ".014" contained all zoo macro and script viruses first reported between Febuary 1 and April 30, 2001. - for ITW macro viruses, those viruses were selected from the related Wildlists (January and April) which were then first reported to be In-The-Wild. Evidently, this included viruses which were probably in the zoo used in test "2001-10". Testbeds for Heureka-2 test: - the reference testbed was frozen on April 30, 2001; testbed ".017" contained all zoo macro and script viruses and related malware which were first reported between May 1 and June 31, 2001 - testbed ".01A" contained all zoo macro and script viruses and related malware which were first reported between July 1 and October 31, 2001. - for ITW macro viruses, those viruses were selected from the related Wildlists (July and October 2001) which were then first reported to be In-The-Wild. Evidently, these testbeds included viruses which were probably in the zoo used in test "2001-04". After establishment of the testbeds, the test crew worked during semester holidays (where most students have to work for their lifes, as we dont collect money from AV producers whose products participate in VTC tests, from which we may pay students for their valuable work and time) very reliable and produced results within 4 weeks. Most work in VTC tests rests on the shoulders of our test crew, and the editors wish to thank them all for their devotion and hard work. Some delay was caused by several duties of the main report author which regrettably delayed the publication of this report (intended for publication in February 2002). 2. Testbeds used in Heureka-2 test "2002-02": ============================================= The sizes of the different VTC testbeds is given in the following table (for detailed indices of VTC testbeds, see file "a3testbed.txt") Table ES1: Content of VTC test Heureka-2 databases: ============================================================================ Zoo objects.017: 357 newly reported Macro viruses in 1259 infected objects 164 newly reported Script viruses in 382 infected objects 22 newly reported Macro malware in 30 different objects 37 newly reported Script malware in 73 different objects ITW objects.017: 10 newly reported Macro viruses in 37 infected objects 22 newly reported Script viruses in 67 infected objects ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zoo objects.01A: 176 newly reported Macro viruses in 678 infected objects 102 newly reported Script viruses in 184 infected objects 7 newly reported Macro malware in 7 different objects 23 newly reported Script malware in 49 different objects ITW objects.01A: 7 newly reported Macro viruses in 14 infected objects 6 newly reported Script viruses in 6 different objects ============================================================================ For comparison, the "full" reference testbeds in VTC test "2001-10" are: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Zoo objects.014: 6762 newly reported Macro viruses in 21677 infected objects 588 newly reported Script viruses in 1079 infected objects 426 newly reported Macro malware in 683 different objects 73 newly reported Script malware in 167 different objects ITW objects.017: 143 newly reported Macro viruses in 1308 infected objects 22 newly reported Script viruses in 30 different objects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Products participating in Heureka Test "2001-02": ==================================================== As general reference, compare results (W-NT section) of VTC test "2001-04". For test "2002-02", the following *** 21 *** AntiVirus products (adressed in subsequent tables by a 3-letter codes, see A5CodNam for product naming) under Windows-NT (NT 4.0) were tested: Table ES2: List of AV products in Heureka-2 test ================================================ -------------------------------------------------------- Products submitted for aVTC test under Windows-NT: -------------------------------------------------------- ANT v(def): sig: June 05,2001 AVA v(def): unknown sig: unknown AVG v(def): 6.0.263 sig: June 22,2001 AVK v(def): 10.0.167 sig: June 21,2001 AVP v(def): sig: June 01,2001 AVX v(def): 6.1 sig: June 18,2001 CMD v(def): 4.61.5 sig: June 25,2001 DRW v(def): 4.25 sig: June 20,2001 FPR v(def): 3.09d sig: June 25,2001 FPW v(def): 3.09d sig: June 25,2001 FSE v(def): 1.00.1251 sig: June 20,2001 scan eng fprot: 3.09.507 scan eng avp: 3.55.3210 scan eng orion: 1.02.15 IKA v(def): 5.01 sig: June 25,2001 INO v(def): 6.0.85 sig: June 14,2001 MR2 v(def): 1.17 sig: June 25,2001 NVC v(def): 5.00.25 sig: June 19,2001 PAV v(def): sig: June 23,2001 QHL v(def): 6.02 sig: June 28,2001 RAD v(def): 8.1.001 sig: June 25,2001 RAV v(def): 8.2.001, scan eng:8.3 sig: June 25,2001 SCN v(def): 4144 scan eng:4.1.40 sig: June 20,2001 VSP v(def): 12.22.1 sig: June 25,2001 -------------------------------------------------------- One products (NAV) was withdrawn from this test, due to "new engines". Detailed results including precision and reliability of virus and malware identification are presented in 6gwnt.txt, and an analysis (evaluation) of results is presented in 7evalwnt.txt. 4. Results of on-demand persistent detection under Windows-NT: ============================================================== In the following section, the results are analysed in some detail. Much more details, including detection of infected objects as well as precision and reliability of detection can be found in 6gwnt.txt, and results are analysed in some details in 7evalnt.txt. 4.1.1 Development of Zoo macro virus detection rates: ===================================================== Table Heureka-2.MZ summarizes Zoo macro virus detection results: ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Viruses | New viruses | Loss in | New viruses | Loss in Scanner detected | detected | 3 months| detected | 6 months ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Status: April 30,2001 I July 31,2001I IOctober 31,2001I Testbed 6762 100.0% | 357 100.0% I | 176 100.0% I ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- ANT 6566 97.1% | 221 61.9% | -35.2% | 77 43.8% | -53.3% AVA 6604 97.7% | 254 71.1% | -26.6% | 97 55.1% | -42.6% AVG 6651 98.4% | 318 89.1% | -9.3% | 117 66.5% | -31.9% AVK 6762 100.0% | 288 80.7% | -19.3% | 69 39.2% | -60.8% AVP 6761 100.0% | 292 81.8% | -18.2% | 70 39.8% | -60.2% AVX 6703 99.1% | 343 96.1% | -3.0% | 166 94.3% | -4.8% CMD 6760 100.0% | 324 90.8% | -9.2% | 128 72.7% | -27.3% DRW 6725 99.5% | 344 96.4% | -3.1% | 169 96.0% | -3.5% FPR 6760 100.0% | 322 90.2% | -9.8% | 127 72.2% | -27.8% FPW 6760 100.0% | 322 90.2% | -9.8% | 127 72.2% | -27.8% FSE 6762 100.0% | 341 95.5% | -4.5% | 151 85.8% | -14.2% IKA 6451 95.4% | 290 81.2% | -14.2% | 107 60.8% | -34.6% INO 6755 99.9% | 339 95.0% | -4.9% | 167 94.9% | -5.0% MR2 44 0.7% | 6 1.7% | 1.0% | 5 2.8% | 2.1% NVC 6751 99.8% | 223 62.5% | -37.3% | 50 28.4% | -71.4% PAV 6762 100.0% | 292 81.8% | -18.2% | 70 39.8% | -60.2% QHL 0 0.0% | 0 0.0% | 0.0% | 0 0.0% | 0.0% RAV 6726 99.5% | 330 92.4% | -7.1% | 134 76.1% | -23.4% SCN 6762 100.0% | 349 97.8% | -2.2% | 167 94.9% | -5.1% VSP 1 0.0% | 0 0.0% | 0.0% | 1 0.6% | 0.6% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Mean ALL: 85.7% 72.8% -11.5% 56.8% -27.6% Mean rel: 99.2% 85.6% -10.5% 66.6% -25.1% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Remarks: "Mean ALL" is the mean value of virus and file identification calculated over ALL related entries. "Mean rel" is the relative mean value of virus and file identification calculated only for those entries with a minimum detection rate "minrate", where minrate = 65% for zoo viruses, minrate = 95% for ITW viruses, and minrate = 60% for malware. Definition of "loss vector": Loss in 3 months = Loss vector #1 = detection rate in month 1-3 minus detection rate in reference test Loss in 6 months = Loss vector #2 = detection rate in month 4-6 minus detection rate in reference test 4.1.2 Discussion of essential results: -------------------------------------- (1) For zoo macro viruses, best products are able to detect more than 90% of those viruses reported within first 3-month period and more than 80% within second 3-month period after product/signature delivery: SCN (100.0% 97.8% 94.9%) FSE (100.0% 95.5% 85.8%) INO ( 99.9% 95.0% 94.9%) DRW ( 99.5% 96.4% 96.0%) AVX ( 99.1% 96.1% 96.0%) (2) During the first 3 months, mean loss in detection ability is 11.5% (overall), and it is slightly better (10.5%) when products with extremely low detection rates are not counted. The following products behave best in first 3-month period: SCN (97.8%) DRW (96.4%) AVX (96.1%) FSE (95.5%) INO (95.0%) (3) In months 4-6, the loss in detection quality is fastly growing, with a mean loss of 27.6% (overall) and 25.1% when products with extremely low detection rates are not counted. ************************************************************* Result "Heureka-2.MZ": concerning new zoo macro viruses, the following 4 products miss less than 10% over 6 months: ----------------------------------------------------- DRW after 3 months: - 3.1% after 6 months: - 3.5% ----------------------------------------------------- SCN after 3 months: - 2.2% after 6 months: - 5.1% ----------------------------------------------------- INO after 3 months: - 4.9% after 6 months: - 5.0% ----------------------------------------------------- AVX after 3 months: - 3.0% after 6 months: - 4.8% ************************************************************** And the following product misses less than 20% over 6 months: FSE after 3 months: - 4.5% after 6 months: -14.2% ************************************************************** 4.2.1 Development of ITW macro virus detection rates: ===================================================== Table "Heureka-2.MI" summarizes In-The-Wild macro virus detection results: ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Viruses | New viruses | loss in | New viruses | loss in Scanner detected | detected | 3 months| detected | 6 months ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Status: April 30,2001 July 31,2001 IOctober 31,2001 Testbed 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 7 100.0% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- ANT 142 99.3% | 14 82.4% | -16.9% | 5 71.4% | -27.9% AVA 143 100.0% | 16 94.1% | -5.9% | 5 71.4% | -28.6% AVG 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% AVK 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% AVP 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% AVX 143 100.0% | 16 94.1% | -5.9% | 6 85.7% | -14.3% CMD 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% DRW 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% FPR 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% FPW 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% FSE 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% IKA 142 99.3% | 17 100.0% | 0.7% | 7 100.0% | 0.7% INO 143 100.0% | 16 94.1% | -5.9% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% MR2 13 9.1% | 0 0.0% | -9.1% | 0 0.0% | -9.1% NVC 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 6 85.7% | -14.3% PAV 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% QHL 0 0.0% | 0 0.0% | 0.0% | 0 0.0% | 0.0% RAV 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% SCN 143 100.0% | 17 100.0% | 0.0% | 7 100.0% | 0.0% VSP 0 0.0% | 0 0.0% | 0.0% | 0 0.0% | 0.0% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Mean ALL: 86.7% 86.7% -2.2% 80.7% -4.7% Mean rel: 99.9% 99.9% -2.4% 95.0% -5.2% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Remark: concerning calculation of mean values: see 1st table "Eval WNT.MZ" 4.2.2 Discussion of essential results: -------------------------------------- (0) Due to the small number of ITW Macro viruses detected in each 3-month period, we just discuss findings but dont grade products based on such potentially insignificant figures. (1) For macro ITW viruses, the majority of products detect all ITW viruses even after 6 months. The following products consistently detect ALL macro ITW viruses at reference test as well after 3 and 6 months, ALL with perfect detection vectors (100% 100% 100%): AVG, AVK, AVP, CMD, DRW, FPR, FPW, FSE, INO, PAV, RAV, SCN. (2) In comparison with Heureka-1 test, where 6 products detected ALL ITW macro viruses, the situation has improved significantly. ************************************************************* Result "Heureka-2.MI": concerning new Macro ITW viruses, the following 13 products miss NO ITW virus during 6months: AVG, AVK, AVP, CMD, DRW, FPR, FPW, FSE, INO, PAV, RAV, SCN. ************************************************************** 4.3.1 Development of macro malware detection rates: ================================================== Table "Heureka-2.MM" summarizes macro malware detection results: ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Viruses | New viruses | loss in | New viruses | loss in Scanner detected | detected | 3 months| detected | 6 months ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Status: April 30,2001 I July 31,2001I IOctober 31,2001I Testbed 426 100.0% | 22 100.0% | 7 100.0% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- ANT 378 88.7% | 10 45.5% | -43.2% | 4 57.1% | -31.6% AVA 377 88.5% | 11 50.0% | -38.5% | 3 42.9% | -45.6% AVG 352 82.6% | 14 63.6% | -19.0% | 1 14.3% | -68.3% AVK 425 99.8% | 12 54.5% | -45.3% | 3 42.9% | -56.9% AVP 425 99.8% | 14 63.6% | -36.2% | 3 42.9% | -56.9% AVX 392 92.0% | 18 81.8% | -10.2% | 7 100.0% | 8.0% CMD 424 99.5% | 15 68.2% | -31.3% | 4 57.1% | -42.4% DRW 387 90.8% | 18 81.8% | -9.0% | 7 100.0% | 9.2% FPR 424 99.5% | 15 68.2% | -31.3% | 4 57.1% | -42.4% FPW 424 99.5% | 15 68.2% | -31.3% | 4 57.1% | -42.4% FSE 425 99.8% | 17 77.3% | -22.5% | 4 57.1% | -42.7% IKA 383 89.9% | 16 72.7% | -17.2% | 5 71.4% | -18.5% INO 398 93.4% | 15 68.2% | -25.2% | 5 71.4% | -22.0% MR2 135 31.7% | 0 0.0% | -31.7% | 2 28.6% | -3.1% NVC 421 98.8% | 12 54.5% | -44.3% | 3 42.9% | -55.9% PAV 426 100.0% | 14 63.6% | -36.4% | 3 42.9% | -57.1% QHL 0 0.0% | 0 0.0% | 0.0% | 0 0.0% | 0.0% RAV 416 97.7% | 17 77.3% | -20.4% | 5 71.4% | -26.3% SCN 426 100.0% | 17 77.3% | -22.7% | 3 42.9% | -57.1% VSP 1 0.2% | 0 0.0% | -0.2% | 0 0.0% | -0.2% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Mean ALL: 83.4% 56.8 -25.8% 50.0% -32.6% Mean rel: 95.0% 66.8% -28.7% 55.6% -36.2% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Remark: concerning calculation of mean values: see 1st table "Eval WNT.MZ" Remark: concerning calculation of mean values: see 1st table "Eval WNT.MZ" 4.3.2 Discussion of essential results: -------------------------------------- (0) Due to the small number of Macro Malware detected in each 3-month period, we just discuss findings but dont grade products based on such potentially insignificant figures. (1) For non-replicant Macro Malware, detection quality is - in the mean - significantly less developed than the detection of replicative malware (aka viruses & worms). The mean malware detection rate of tested products (except those with extremely insufficient detection rates) degrades from 95.0% (in reference test) to 66.8% (after 3 months) further down to 55.6% (after 6 months). (2) Some products even improve their detection rates, as the following detection vectors indicate: DRW ( 90.8% 81.8% 100.0%) AVX ( 92.0% 81.8% 100.0%) This may indicate that the heuristic mechanism of these products are very well developed, but with the relative small set of samples (7 for months 4-6), it canNOT be determined whether this results is an artefact of the statistical evaluation. (3) The following products loose less than 20% detection rate over each 3-month period but they they dont start with optimum detection rate in the reference test: DRW ( 90.8% 81.8% 100.0%) AVX ( 92.0% 81.8% 100.0%) IKA ( 89.9% 72.7% 71.4%) (4) Those products which detected almost all malware samples with "fresh" signatures in the reference test (esp. PAV and SCN) lost significantly more detection rate compared to mean loss. This may indicate that these products apply mechanisms of exact identification instead of heuristics. (5) In comparison with Heureka-1 test results, those products then scoring best (FSE, SCN: loss after 6 months: -31.7%) have now much larger loss in detection rate (-42.7%, -57.1%). ******************************************************************* Result "Heureka-2.MM": The persistency of non-replicative malware detection needs significant improvement. Only 3 products loose less than 40% detection quality over six months, but all three products have less than optimum detection rates in the reference test. ******************************************************************* 4.4.1 Development of zoo Script virus detection rates: ====================================================== Table "Heureka-2.SZ" summarizes Zoo script detection results: ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Viruses | New viruses | loss in | New viruses | loss in Scanner detected | detected | 3 months| detected | 6 months ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Status: April 30,2001 I July 31,2001I IOctober 31,2001I Testbed 588 100.0% | 164 100.0% | 102 100.0% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- ANT 481 81.8% | 42 25.6% | -56.2% | 12 11.8% | -70.0% AVA 174 29.6% | 32 19.5% | -10.1% | 11 10.8% | -18.8% AVG 370 62.9% | 85 51.8% | -11.1% | 40 39.2% | -23.7% AVK 588 100.0% | 126 76.8% | -23.2% | 52 51.0% | -49.0% AVP 588 100.0% | 126 76.8% | -23.2% | 49 48.0% | -52.0% AVX 412 70.1% | 89 54.3% | -15.8% | 31 30.4% | -39.7% CMD 552 93.9% | 104 63.4% | -30.5% | 46 45.1% | -48.8% DRW 561 95.4% | 136 82.9% | -12.5% | 72 70.6% | -24.8% FPR 558 94.9% | 104 63.4% | -31.5% | 46 45.1% | -49.8% FPW 556 94.6% | 104 63.4% | -31.2% | 46 45.1% | -49.5% FSE 588 100.0% | 141 86.0% | -14.0% | 71 69.6% | -30.4% IKA 457 77.7% | 104 63.4% | -14.3% | 49 48.0% | -29.7% INO 559 95.1% | 78 47.6% | -47.5% | 34 33.3% | -61.8% MR2 490 83.3% | 93 56.7% | -26.6% | 45 44.1% | -39.2% NVC 537 91.3% | 74 45.1% | -46.2% | 27 26.5% | -64.8% PAV 588 100.0% | 126 76.8% | -23.2% | 47 46.1% | -53.9% QHL 1 0.2% | 1 0.6% | 0.4% | 1 1.0% | 0.8% RAV 485 82.5% | 0 0.0% | -82.5% | 0 0.0% | -82.5% SCN 587 99.8% | 134 81.7% | -18.1% | 58 56.9% | -42.9% VSP 494 84.0% | 93 56.7% | -27.3% | 45 44.1% | -39.9% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Mean ALL: 78.7% 54.6% -27.2% 38.3% -43.6% Mean rel: 86.6% 60.7% -28.6% 42.5% -45.8% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Remark: concerning calculation of mean values: see 1st table "Eval WNT.MZ" 4.4.2 Discussion of essential results: -------------------------------------- (1) Heuristic detection of script viruses is significantly less developed than detection fo macro viruses, as comparison of mean losses (without those products with inadequate detection rates) in detection rates shows: reference after after test 3 months 6 months detection rate of macro viruses 99.2% 85.6% 66.6% detection rate of script viruses 86.6% 60.7% 42.5% For zoo script viruses, best products are able to detect more than 80% of those zoo viruses reported within 3-months after products delivery and 60% of those viruses reported after 6 months: FSE (100.0% 86.0% 69.9%) DRW ( 95.4% 82.9% 70.6%) In addition, the following products (which detected at least 90% in the reference test) lost less than 20% in the first 3-month period but lost more than 40% in the second period: SCN ( 99.8% 81.7% 56.9%) (2) During the first 3 months, mean loss in detection ability is 28.6%. In months 4-6, the loss in detection quality is fastly growing, with a mean loss of 45.8%. (3) In order to classify product behaviour, we grade products according to loss in detection quality. When considering only products with losses up to 40% after 6 months (ordered according to highest detection rates after 6 months), the following products behaved best in "Heureka-2" test: ------------------------------------ detection rate loss in loss in AV product in ref-test month 1-3 month 4-6 --------+------------------------------------- DRW 95.4% -12.5% -24.8% FSE 100.0% -14.0% -30.4% ------------------------------------ SCN 99.8% -18.1% (-42.9%)% ------------------------------------ ******************************************************************** Result "Heureka-2.SZ": Zoo script virus detection is significantly less well developped compared with macro virus detection; losses in detection rates are more than 5 times higher than with macro viruses. The following 2 products miss less than 15% after 3 months and about 30% after 6 months: DRW after 3 months: - 12.5% after 6 months: - 24.8% -------------------------------- FSE after 3 months: - 14.0% after 6 months: - 30.4% For AV companies, there is strong need to improve persistent detection methods esp. as this category adresses many mass-emailing viruses! For customers, the strong evidence is to update AV products for script virus detection much more often than for script viruses. ******************************************************************** 4.5.1 Development of ITW Script virus detection rates: ====================================================== Table "Heureka-2.SI" summarizes In-The-Wild macro virus detection results: ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Viruses | New viruses | loss in | New viruses | loss in Scanner detected | detected | 3 months| detected | 6 months ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Status: April 30,2001 I July 31,2001I IOctober 31,2001I Testbed 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 6 100.0% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- ANT 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 2 33.3% | -66.7% AVA 18 94.7% | 10 100.0% | 5.3% | 2 33.3% | -61.4% AVG 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 4 66.7% | -33.3% AVK 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 4 66.7% | -33.3% AVP 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 4 66.7% | -33.3% AVX 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 2 33.3% | -66.7% CMD 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 5 83.3% | -16.7% DRW 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 4 66.7% | -33.3% FPR 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 5 83.3% | -16.7% FPW 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 5 83.3% | -16.7% FSE 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 5 83.3% | -16.7% IKA 18 94.7% | 10 100.0% | 5.3% | 4 66.7% | -28.0% INO 19 100.0% | 7 70.0% | -30.0% | 1 16.7% | -83.3% MR2 17 89.5% | 10 100.0% | 10.5% | 1 16.7% | -72.8% NVC 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 3 50.0% | -50.0% PAV 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 4 66.7% | -33.3% QHL 1 5.3% | 1 10.0% | 4.7% | 1 16.7% | 11.4% RAV 18 94.7% | 0 0.0% | -94.7% | 0 0.0% | -94.7% SCN 19 100.0% | 10 100.0% | 0.0% | 4 66.7% | -33.3% VSP 17 89.5% | 10 100.0% | 10.5% | 1 16.7% | -72.8% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Mean ALL: 89.5% 89.0% -4.4% 50.8% -43.7% Mean rel: 98.2% 98.3% -4.4% 53.5% -45.4% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- 4.5.2 Discussion of essential results: -------------------------------------- (0) Due to the small number of ITW Script viruses detected in each 3-month period, we just discuss findings but dont grade products based on such potentially insignificant figures. (1) For script ITW viruses, the majority of products detect all ITW viruses after 3 months but detection rates are signi- ficantly reduced after 6 months. ********************************************************** Result "Heureka-2.SI": concerning new script ITW viruses, detection rates degrade much faster after 3 months than for macro ITW viruses. ********************************************************** 4.6.1 Development of Script Malware detection rates: ==================================================== Table "Heureka-2.SM" summarizes macro malware detection results: ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Viruses | New viruses | loss in | New viruses | loss in Scanner detected | detected | 3 months| detected | 6 months ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Status: April 30,2001 I July 31,2001I IOctober 31,2001I Testbed 22 100.0 | 37 100.0% | 73 100.0% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- ANT 0 0.0% | 7 18.9% | 18.9% | 5 6.8% | 6.8% AVA --- 0% | 1 2.7% | 2.7% | 2 2.7% | 2.7% AVG 5 22.7% | 4 10.8% | -11.9% | 4 5.5% | -17.2% AVK 22 100.0% | 25 67.6% | -32.4% | 20 27.4% | -72.6% AVP 22 100.0% | 28 75.7% | -24.3% | 20 27.4% | -72.6% AVX 2 9.1% | 10 27.0% | 17.9% | 8 11.0% | 1.9% CMD 14 63.6% | 8 21.6% | -42.0% | 4 5.5% | -58.1% DRW 8 36.4% | 19 51.4% | 15.0% | 21 28.8% | -7.6% FPR 14 63.6% | 8 21.6% | -42.0% | 4 5.5% | -58.1% FPW 14 63.6% | 8 21.6% | -42.0% | 4 5.5% | -58.1% FSE 22 100.0% | 32 86.5% | -13.5% | 24 32.9% | -67.1% IKA 8 36.4% | 15 40.5% | 4.1% | 11 15.1% | -21.3% INO 15 68.2% | 9 24.3% | -43.9% | 14 19.2% | -49.0% MR2 5 22.7% | 4 10.8% | -11.9% | 10 13.7% | -9.0% NVC 2 9.1% | 5 13.5% | 4.4% | 4 5.5% | -3.6% PAV 22 100.0% | 25 67.6% | -32.4% | 20 27.4% | -72.6% QHL 1 4.5% | 1 2.7% | -1.8% | 1 1.4% | -3.1% RAV 18 81.8% | 0 0.0% | -81.8% | 0 0.0% | -81.8% SCN 22 100.0% | 27 73.0% | -27.0% | 21 28.8% | -71.2% VSP 5 22.7% | 4 10.8% | -11.9% | 10 13.7% | -9.0% ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Mean ALL: 49.6% 32.4% -32.4% 14.2% -36.0% Mean rel: (63.1%) (37.8%) (-46.0%) (22.3%) (-68.2%) ------------------------+---------------+---------+---------------+---------- Remark: concerning calculation of mean values: see 1st table "Eval WNT.MZ" 4.6.2 Discussion of essential results: -------------------------------------- (0) When comparing the numbers of macro and script malware detected within two consecutiv 3-month periods, much more samples of script malware have been detected for the latter. (1) For non-replicant Script Malware, detection quality starts at a significantly lower level (63.1%), and quality degrades much faster than for replicative malware (aka viruses & worms). The mean malware detection rate of tested products (except those with extremely insufficient detection rates) degrades from 63.1% (in reference test) to 37.8% (after 3 months) further down to 22.3% (after 6 months). ******************************************************************* Result "Heureka-2.SM": The persistency of non-replicative malware detection needs significant improvement. Customers of AV products are advised to update there products much faster for detection of trojanic script malware than for macro malware. ******************************************************************* 4.7 Comparison of Heureka-1 and Heureka-2 results: ================================================== The following table lists essential results of Heureka tests: Mean detection rates in: Heureka-1 Heureka-2 ---------------------------+----------------------------- after after after after reference 3 months 6 months reference 3 months 6 months -------------------------------------------------+----------------------------- MZ=Macro zoo viruses 90.8% 73.7% 66.0% 99.2% 85.6% 66.6% MI=Macro ITW viruses 91.8% 89.7% 83.0% 99.9% 99.9% 95.0% MM=Macro Malware 87.1% 61.8% 56.4% 95.0% 66.8% 55.6% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SZ=Script zoo viruses 83.4% 61.0% 49.3% 86.6% 60.7% 42.5% SI=Script ITW viruses --- --- --- 98.2% 98.3% 53.5% SM=Script Malware --- --- --- 63.1% 37.8% 22.3% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concerning detection rates for macro viruses, both In-The-Wild and in zoo, AV products have imrpoved their detection rates both generally and after first 3-month period significantly. But loss of detection quality in the second 3.-month period is much stronger than before (the results for ITW viruses may be influenced to the small number of newly found viruses). Concerning zoo script viruses, detection rates are stable on an insufficient level. 4.8 Grading WNT products according to "Heureka-II" results: =========================================================== In comparing products, some behave "rather well". Over two 3-months periods, the following products behaves best (although they also need significant improvement): DRW and FSE Moreover, the following products behave best in the first 3-month period: DRW, FSE, SCN and AVX, INO. But as some testbeds were rather small, and as the loss in script viruses detection quality was so dominant, we decided NOT to grade any product in VTCs grading scheme. We nevertheless hope that AV companies do their best to improve the generic and heuristic detection mechanisms. And we strongly advise customers, to upgrade their products and signatures as often as possible. 5. Availability of full test results: ====================================== Much more information about this test, its methods and viral databases, as well as detailed test results are available for anonymous FTP downloading from VTCs HomePage (VTC is part of Working Group AGN): ftp://agn-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/vtc Any comment and critical remark which helps VTC in learning to improve our test methods will be warmly welcomed. The next comparative test will evaluate file, boot, macro (VBA/VBA5) and script virus non-viral malware detection. This test is planned for February until June 2002, with viral databases frozen on October 31, 2001. This will eb followed by another Heureka test (Heureka-3) which again evaluates detection rates for macro/script viruses/malware detected in 2 consecutive 3-month periods AFTER product submission. On behalf of the VTC Test Crew: Dr. Klaus Brunnstein (Hamburg: March 31, 2002) 6. Copyright, License, and Disclaimer: ======================================= This publication is (C) Copyright 2002 by Klaus Brunnstein and the Virus Test Center (VTC) at University of Hamburg, Germany. Permission (Copy-Left) is granted to everybody to distribute copies of this information in electronic form, provided that this is done for free, that contents of the information are not changed in any way, and that origin of this information is explicitly mentioned. It is esp. permitted to store and distribute this set of text files at university or other public mirror sites where security/safety related information is stored for unrestricted public access for free. Any other use, esp. including distribution of these text files on CD-ROMs or any publication as a whole or in parts, are ONLY permitted after contact with the supervisor, Prof. Dr. Klaus Brunnstein or authorized members of Virus Test Center at Hamburg University, and this agreement must be in explicit writing, prior to any publication. No responsibility is assumed by the author(s) for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Prof. Dr. Klaus Brunnstein University of Hamburg, Germany (March 31, 2002)