========================= Content of file A3TSTBED aVTC Heureka-2 Test (VTC test 2002-02) ========================= This file contains the directory of VTCs testbeds used in "Heureka Test 2001-02" (for content of testbeds, see A3tstbed.txt): 1) In-The-Wild Testbeds: ------------------------ .1) ITW-MACR.VTC content of ITW macro virus testbed .1.1) status July 31, 2001 .1.2) status October 31, 2001 .2) ITW-SCRI.VTC content of ITW script virus testbed .1.1) status July 31, 2001 .1.2) status October 31, 2001 2) Zoo (=full collection) Testbeds: ----------------------------------- .1) ZOO-MACR.VTC content of full macro virus testbed .1.1) status July 31, 2001 .1.2) status October 31, 2001 .2) ZOO-SCRI.VTC content of full script virus testbed .1.1) status July 31, 2001 .1.2) status October 31, 2001 .3) MAL-MACR.VTC content of macro malware testbed .1.1) status July 31, 2001 .1.2) status October 31, 2001 .3) MAL-SCRI.VTC content of script malware testbed .1.1) status July 31, 2001 .1.2) status October 31, 2001