List of available Maintenance/Release Supplements (MS) Numbers in parentheses are checksums of the files, generated using the "sum" utility with the -r option. Example: sum -r ms100.Z Size in bytes File name (checksum) Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./arcserve/unixware7: This directory contains the SCO ARCserve/Open 2.2.0 Maintenance Supplement 1.1.0 for SCO ARCserve/Open from Cheyenne Release 2.2.0 on UnixWare 7 Systems. Date posted: 15-SEP-98 Filenames: arcpatch.pkg 646656 (53333) Packadd Image README 3554 (52313) Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./arcserve/osr5: This directory contains the SCO ARCserve/Open 2.2.0 Maintenance Supplement 1.1.0 for SCO ARCserve/Open from Cheyenne Release 2.2.0 on SCO OpenServer 5.x Systems. Date posted: 15-SEP-98 Filenames: VOL.000.000 348160 (49085) Volume 1 disk image README 3265 (49525) Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./arcserve/unixware21: This directory contains the SCO ARCserve/Open 2.2.0 Maintenance Supplement Release 1.1.0 for SCO UnixWare Release 2.x Systems. Date posted: 15-SEP-98 Filenames: arcpatch.pkg 647168 (52936) Pkgadd Image README 3562 (55380) Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./arcserveIT/unixware7: This directory contains Client Agents for ARCserveIT v6.6 for UnixWare 7.1.0 Date posted: 01-APR-99 Filenames: AS6WUAG.pkg 1706496 (58988) Client Agent for UnixWare 2 and UnixWare 7 VOL.000.000 773120 (35350) Client Agent for OpenServer 5 README 3467 (50406) Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./doctor200/osr3: This directory contains the SCO Doctor Version 2.0.0 Maintenance Supplement for SCO Open Server 3.0 product family. Filenames: VOL.000.000 1442816 (64361) Volume 1 disk image cover.letter 14877 (09772) Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./doctor200/osr5: This directory contains the SCO Doctor Version 2.0.0 Maintenance Supplement for SCO OpenServer 5 Filenames: VOL.000.000 1449472 (57011) Volume 1 disk image cover.letter 14877 (09772) Documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ./euc: This directory contains the EUC Supplement for SCO OpenServer 5.0.2 Filenames: VOL.000.000 1339392 (42042) Volume 1 disk image 321094 (30767) Postscript documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./internet: This directory contains several release supplements for the SCO OpenServer 5.0x and SCO Internet Family products. ./internet/rs25c: SCOhelp Supplement for OpenServer 5.0.0 Localization Support Filenames: VOL.000.000 749568 (54296) Volume 1 disk image cover.letter 8897 (54669) Documentation ./internet/rs311a: SCOhelp Supplement for OpenServer 5.0.2 Localization Support Filenames: VOL.000.000 116224 (48582) cover.letter 7073 (23707) ./internet/rs39a: SCO Internet Supplement for OpenServer 5.0.0 has been removed and is superseded by ./internet/rs40b. ./internet/rs40a: SCO Internet Supplement for OpenServer 5.0.2 has been removed and is superseded by ./internet/rs40b. ./internet/rs40b: SCO Internet Supplement for Internet FastStart 1.0.0-1.1.0 and SCO OpenServer 5.0.0-5.0.2. Filenames: VOL.000.000 884224 (04813) cover.letter 9735 (59541) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ms100.Z 350823 (24660) Microsoft LAN Manager for UNIX Systems ms100.doc.Z 25145 (07571) Release 1.1 Performance Supplement ms101---SCO UNIX Operating System MSV4.1 Maintenance Supplement ms101.35.n1.Z 735551 (16315) SCO Unix 3.2v4y Replacement N1 - 3.5 inch ms101.35.n2.Z 608585 (35555) SCO Unix 3.2v4y Replacement N2 - 3.5 inch ms101.35.m1.Z 1174476 (43916) SCO Unix 3.2v4y Replacement M1 - 3.5 inch ms101.35.ua1.Z 1299759 (03912) Maintenance Supplement 1 Vol 1 - 3.5 inch ms101.35.ua2.Z 1428259 (06576) Maintenance Supplement 1 Vol 2 - 3.5 inch ms101.96.n1.Z 734009 (43713) SCO Unix 3.2v4y Replacement N1 - 5.25 inch ms101.96.n2.Z 606815 (07520) SCO Unix 3.2v4y Replacement N2 - 5.25 inch ms101.96.m1.Z 1174055 (31188) SCO Unix 3.2v4y Replacement M1 - 5.25 inch ms101.96.ua1 1228800 (57434) Maintenance Supplement 1 Vol 1 - 5.25 inch ms101.96.ua2 1228800 (55800) Maintenance Supplement 1 Vol 2 - 5.25 inch ms101.doc.Z 15202 (20715) Maintenance Supplement Documentation PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the type of system you are upgrading, you should download the approiate files: 135tpi media 96tpi media ------------- ------------ ms101.35.n1.Z ms101.96.n1.Z ms101.35.n2.Z ms101.96.n2.Z ms101.35.m1.Z ms101.96.m1.Z ms101.35.ua1.Z ms101.96.ua1 ms101.35.ua2.Z ms101.96.ua2 ms101.doc.Z ms101.doc.Z If you have already successfully installed your Unix operating system then you will not need the replacement N1,N2, and M1 floppy disks and do not need to download them. If you have been unable to install your Unix operating system then replace the original N1,N2, and M1 floppy disks with the floppy disks you create from the files above and install as per the installation notes. ***The file names above contain the number "1" not the letter "l". ms102.Z 231621 (52739) Maintenance Supplement for SCO TCP/IP 1.2.0 for ms102.doc.Z 38630 (30141) SCO XENIX 2.3.4 Systems ms104.35.Z 746339 (60844) SCO Lan Manager Maintenance Supplement for 2.2.0 ms104.doc.Z 4886 (33469) ms105.Z 1236407 (52808) Microsoft DOS client - 2.2b update ms106.Z 1392931 (63537) SCO Lan Manager Maintenance Supplement for 2.2.2 ms106.doc.Z 5128 (61955) ms107.doc.Z 13543 (16962) SCO DCE Developement System for ms107v1 1474816 (43705) SCO OpenServer Release 5.0 ms107v2 1474816 (22963) Note for ms107: The ms107v1 and ms107v2 files are NOT disk images. Please refer to the ms107.doc file for more information on how to correctly install this supplement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ./msv42 - This directory contains the SCO Unix Maintenance Supplement Version 4.2 Filenames: msv42.readme 55012 (55068) Documentation ub01 1474560 (08702) Volume 1 image ub02 1474560 (47861) Volume 2 image ub03 1474560 (43749) Volume 3 image ub04 1474560 (63435) Volume 4 image --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./net100: This directory contains the Networking Supplement Release 1.0 for SCO OpenServer Release 5.0 Filenames: NETMS1.ascii.Z 34728 (07459) Ascii Documentation NETMS1.html.Z 96151 (55078) HTML Documentation (see html.README) VOL.000.000. 1472512 (20850) 3.5" Volume 1 disk image VOL.000.000.files 6425 (04395) List of files contained in Volume 1 VOL.000.000.sum 6 (53306) Sum of Volume 1 disk image VOL.001.000 1474560 (56989) 3.5" Volume 2 disk image VOL.001.000.files 2154 (60998) List of files contained in Volume 2 VOL.001.000.sum 6 (43072) Sum of Volume 2 disk image VOL.002.000 752128 (33738) 3.5" Volume 3 disk image VOL.002.000.files 17791 (59378) List of files contained in Volume 3 VOL.002.000.sum 6 (26686) Sum of Volume 3 disk image html.README 3185 (36158) Install instructions for HTML Documentation NOTES: The *.files and *.sum files are for informational purposes only. They are not needed in order to install this Supplement. The NETMS1.html.Z and the html.README files are provided for those customers that wish to install the HTML Documentation on a SCO OpenServer 5 documentation server. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./rs506a: This directory contains the Release Supplement 506A for SCO OpenServer 5.0.6 Filenames: rs506a.tar 12479488 (59909) Tar volume rs506a.txt 93897 (54866) Documentation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./rs505a: This directory contains the Release Supplement 505A for SCO OpenServer 5.0.5 Filenames: VOL.000.000 1441280 (02037) - Volume 0 image VOL.001.000 1470976 (52032) - Volume 1 image VOL.002.000 1474560 (61836) - Volume 2 image VOL.003.000 1141760 (56747) - Volume 3 image rs505a.doc 18438 (49544) - Documentation rs505a.fixlist 17407 (53028) - List of Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./rs504c: This directory contains the Release Supplement 504C for SCO OpenServer 5.0.4 Filenames: VOL.000.000 1472000 (27693) - Volume 0 image VOL.001.000 1452544 (43648) - Volume 1 image VOL.002.000 1474560 (61798) - Volume 2 image VOL.003.000 249856 (49922) - Volume 3 image rs504c.doc.english 27292 (61767) - English Documentation rs504c.doc.french 30655 (12130) - French Documentation rs504c.doc.german 30442 (14137) - German Documenataion rs504c.fixlist 18510 (20197) - List of changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./rs500d: This directory contains the SCO OpenServer Release 5 Release Supplement 5.0.0d Filenames: VOL.000.000 1474560 (37259) Volume 1 - 3.5" disk image VOL.001.000 1474560 (04391) Volume 2 - 3.5" disk image VOL.002.000 217600 (21120) Volume 3 - 3.5" disk image rs500d.doc.Z 15613 (30664) Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./unixware7/ms71101 - This directory contains the UnixWare 7.1.1 Maintenance Set Filenames: set71101i.Z 12751279 (04647) pkgadd image set71101i.txt 6881 (64599) documentation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./unixware7/rs700 - This directory contains the UnixWare 7 Release Supplement for UnixWare 7.0.0 Filenames: uw7rs 2465792 (03001) Image of the Release Supplement uw7rs.flop.img.v1 1474560 (13019) Release Supplement floppy image volume 1 uw7rs.flop.img.v2 1474560 (22528) Release Supplement floppy image volume 2 uw7rs.txt 16486 (60062) Documentation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./vdm110 This directory contains the SCO OpenServer Virtual Disk Manager Supplement Release 1.1.0 for SCO OpenServer Release 5 Filenames: VOL.000.000 1072128 (14017) Volume 1 disk image vdm110.doc 44494 (31265) Documentation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------