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Information Needed for Support

First, check the the official MiniVend web site for information:

If you are unable to get MiniVend installed, it is almost always a problem with your answers to its questions or with the the Perl installation. Common problems include:

There are many more possible problems. See the README file for other OS-specific problems.

Second, double check that you have done the following things:

If you have a problem you are not able to correct, and you have taken all of those steps, you can send email to the MiniVend users list:

Please include your operating system name and version, your Perl version, the DBM library in use, and the contents of ALL error logs.

Please see this if you don't get an answer:

MiniVend is an ambitious and complex program, and is not presented as being easy to use, easy to install, or bug-free. The configuration script was done to try and make a very painful process only slightly painful. Some people install in one pass. Others never make it. Determined and thoughtful users almost always make MiniVend work.

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