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Performance issues

MiniVend is not a lightweight program.

If you are running it on a low-end ISP whose major selling point is low cost, you will frequently find that MiniVend performance is very poor. This is due to either:

Not enough memory

If memory is low, the program will ``swap'' to disk. If lots of swap is used, you can expect very bad performance. This is the most common speed problem.

If your ISP uses IDE hard disks you can expect REALLY bad performance. IDE disks are very slow for multi-user machines, which should have SCSI if ANY swapping is to be done.

Too many domains

If there is a huge amount of traffic on the system, then it can run at a very high ``load average''. IF load average runs routinely above 2, you can expect problems.

Underpowered machine

If it is an old machine, it may be too slow for MiniVend. A Pentium of less than 100MHz is probably not good enough unless it is completely dedicated to MiniVend. The faster the processor, the happier you will be.

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