Adobe Acrobat Installation

Adobe Acrobat Installation

This document covers: The procedures shown here assume that you have already installed the lxrun and lxrunlibs packages on your system. You can obtain these packages from the lxrun ftp site or from the UnixWare 7, Release 7.1 Operating System Updates CD-ROM.

Downloading Adobe Acrobat

  1. Log onto your system as root.

  2. Create the directory /home/tmp.

  3. Change directories to /home/tmp.

  4. Download the Linux version of Adobe Acrobat:
    ftp (log in as user ftp)
    cd /pub/adobe/acrobatreader/unix/3.x
    get ar302lin.tar.Z

  5. Uncompress the archive, by issuing the following command:
    tar xvf ar302lin.tar.Z
    This creates a sub-directory named ILINXR.install containing the installation program and readmes.

Installing Adobe Acrobat

  1. Create a uname spoofer program as shown below. This tricks the Acrobat installation scripts into thinking that you are running the Linux operating system.

    With your favorite text editor, create /usr/lib/linux/bin/uname to include the following:

    #! /bin/sh
    # @(#) uname spoofer for lxrun
    # place into /usr/lib/linux/bin as uname (executable)
    # Put that pathname earlier in PATH before system uname (/usr/bin)
    #       uname spoof
    if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
            echo "Linux"
            case "$1" in
             "-s")  echo "Linux"
             "-n")  node=`/usr/bin/uname -n`
                    echo $node
             "-r")  echo "2.0.34"
             "-v")  echo "uw7lxrun"
             "-a")  node=`/usr/bin/uname -n`
                    echo "Linux $node 2.0.34 uw7lxrun i486 SCO"
             "-m")  echo "i486"
    	*)      echo "uname spoofer for lxrun"
    		echo "usage: uname [-snrvma]"

  2. Ensure that this version of uname will be invoked:
    chmod a+x /usr/lib/linux/bin/uname

  3. Create the installation directory and links such that Acrobat behaves as if it is installed in /usr/local.
    mkdir /usr/lib/linux/usr/local/Acrobat3
    cd /usr/local
    ln -s /usr/lib/linux/usr/local/Acrobat3 Acrobat3

  4. From /home/tmp/ILINXR.install, run:

    Follow the installation prompts, accepting the defaults shown. Be sure to accept /usr/local/Acrobat3 as the installation directory.

Running and troubleshooting Adobe Acrobat

To run the Adobe Acrobat pdf reader, cd to /usr/lib/linux/usr/local/Acrobat3/bin and enter ./acroread.

A basic sanity test is to open the file listed at the bottom of the File menu (reader.pdf).

To set up your system to run Adobe Acrobat directly, you can either:

Known problems