WordPerfect 8 Installation

WordPerfect 8 Installation

This document covers: The procedures shown here assume that you have already installed the lxrun and lxrunlibs packages on your system. You can obtain these packages from the lxrun ftp site or from the UnixWare 7, Release 7.1 Operating System Updates CD-ROM.

Downloading WordPerfect 8

  1. Log onto your system as root.

  2. Create the directory /home/tmp as a download target directory.

  3. cd into /home/tmp.

  4. Point your favorite web browser at http://linux.corel.com/linux8/download.htm.

  5. Follow the links to download the evaluation binary (wp8_GUILG00) into /home/tmp.

  6. If they are not already installed on your system, install GNU File Compression Utilities (gzip) and GNU tar (gnu tar) in /usr/local/bin.

    You can obtain these packages from either the SCO Open License Software Supplement CD-ROM, or from the download site at SCO.

  7. Modify your PATH variable to ensure that gnu tar comes before the native system tar:
    export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH"

  8. Unpack the archive, by issuing the following commands:
    gunzip wp8_GUIL00
    tar xvf wp8_GUIL00

  9. Unpack the sub-archives, by issuing the following shell commands:
    for i in b_* g_*; do
        tar xvf $i

Installing WordPerfect 8

  1. Create the appropriate links and installation directories:
    cd /usr/local
    ln -s /usr/lib/linux/usr/local/wp8 wp8
    mkdir /usr/lib/linux/usr/local/wp8 

  2. cd to /home/tmp and run the installation script:

  3. Answer the prompts as follows:
    Are files unzipped and extracted ? Y
    linux.5 not certified - continue: Y     
    After some time, graphical dialogs start appearing. Answer each as indicated, pressing OK when done:
    Accept default Lang.
    Accept default License.
    Install Directory: /usr/local/wp8
    Select Medium install.
    Leave blank Pattern Matching entry.
    Do not update magic file.
    Install English-US language support (default).
    Select printer (system-specific).

Running and troubleshooting WordPerfect 8

To run WordPerfect 8, enter /usr/local/wp8/wpbin/xwp.

A basic sanity test is to put some text in a document, then save and reload it. A further test is to try to print a file.

Known problems