SCO Skunkware 7.1.1 Component Names

In order to install individual Skunkware 7.1.1 components, issue the command (as root on UnixWare 7):

   # pkgadd -d /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 COMPONENT_NAME
where COMPONENT_NAME is one of the component names given below and /dev/cdrom/cdrom1 is the device node name of your CD-ROM drive (this may vary from system to system).

UnixWare 7 Components
Name Description Version
AcmeAcme Laboratories Java Classes and ApplicationsVersion 1.1
ApacheJMeApache JMeter - URL performance meterVersion 1.0
CountCount - CGI access counterVersion 2.5
EtermEterm - an Enlightened terminal emulatorVersion 0.8.8
ImageMagiImageMagick - display and interactive manipulation of imagesVersion 4.1.8
MHonArcMHonArc - Mail to HTML converterVersion 2.4.3
SoundStudSound Studio - record, playback and edit sound filesVersion 1.0.1
StreamsSample Streams Driver SourceVersion 1.0
TedTed - an easy rich text processor for X WindowsVersion 2.6
TixTix - an extension to the Tk toolkitVersion 4.1.0
WindowMakWindowMaker Window ManagerVersion 0.53.0
XmHTMLXmHTML Widget SetVersion 1.1.5
XmixerXmixer - Visual Tcl Audio MixerVersion 1.1
XswallowXswallow - general purpose netscape navigator plug-inVersion 1.0.10
a2psa2ps - an any-to-postscript filter (and much more)Version 4.10.4
aalibaalib - ascii art libraryVersion 1.2
addressboAddressbook - very nice graphical rolodexVersion 0.6.2
adzapperAd Zapper - Ad blocking with SquidVersion 1.0
apacheApache Web ServerVersion 1.3.6
astrologAstrolog - X11 astrological chartsVersion 5.3
autoconfAutoconf - GNU configuration script generatorVersion 2.13
bashBash - GNU Bourne Again SHellVersion 2.03
bbbb - aalib demoVersion 1.2
bindBIND - Domain Name System Server and ToolsVersion 8.2.1
binutilsGNU binutilsVersion 2.9.1
bisonbison - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)Version 1.25
bladeencBlades MP3 Encoder0.76
blt24gblt - a library of extensions to the Tk libraryVersion 2.4g
bubu - backup files as foo.c.00 etcVersion 1.0
bzip2Bzip2 - block-sorting file compressor/uncompressorVersion 0.9.0c
calcal - updated UNIX cal programVersion 3.5c
calccalc - arbitrary precision C-like programmable calculator Version 2.9.3t8
catdoccatdoc - display Microsoft Word document as ascii textVersion 0.90
cdrtoolscdrtools - record audio or data Compact Discs from a masterVersion 1.8a23
cgiwrapCGIwrap - A gateway that allows more secure user access to CGIVersion 3.6.2
cpioGNU CpioVersion 2.4.2
cvscvs - Concurrent Versions SystemVersion 1.10.7
dejagnuDejagnu - GNU test frameworkVersion 971222
dhcpDHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ServerVersion 2.0
ecuEcu - Communications programVersion 4.13
efaxefax - send and receive faxesVersion 0.9
elvisElvis - a clone of the ex/vi text editorVersion 2.1
enhydraEnhydra - Java Application ServerVersion 2.0.1
enscriptEnscript text to postscript converterVersion 1.5.0
eperlePerl - Embedded Perl 5 LanguageVersion 2.2.14
esoundEsounD - An Enlightened Sound DaemonVersion 0.2.4
expect531Expect - programmed dialogue with interactive programsVersion 5.31
festivalThe Festival Speech Synthesis SystemVersion 1.4.0
fetchmailfetchmail - remote mail retrieval and forwarding utilityVersion 4.7.5
filefile - open source version of the file(1) commandVersion 3.22
fileutilsGNU File UtilitiesVersion 3.16
findutilsFindutils - GNU find utilitiesVersion 4.1
flexflex - fast lexical analyzer generatorVersion 2.5.4a
fnlibFnlib - Color Font rendering library for X11R6Version 0.3
freeWAISfreeWAIS-sf - Wide Area Information Server indexingVersion sf-2.2.10
freefontsFree X11 FontsVersion 2.0
ftwalkftwalk - find replacement, awk extension, scripting language and moreVersion 1.5.1
fvwmFvwm - ICCCM compliant multiple virtual desktop window managerVersion 2.1.5
fvwm95Fvwm95 Window ManagerVersion 2.0.43b
fwebfweb - WEB processors for C, C++, Fortran, Ratfor, and TeXVersion 1.62
fwfFree Widget Foundation Widget SetVersion 4.6
gawkGawk - GNU awkVersion 3.0.3
gccGCC - GNU Compiler CollectionVersion 2.95.1
gdbgdb - GNU debuggerVersion 4.17
getlinegetline-39 for UnixWare 739
gettextgettext - GNU message handling functionsVersion 0.10
giftransgiftrans - transform GIF87 to GIF89 with transparencyVersion 1.12.2
gimpGimp - The GNU Image Manipulation ProgramVersion 1.0.4
glibGlib - C support libraryVersion 1.2.3
glibsglibs - graphics libraries and headersVersion 2.0.2
glimpseGlimpse - indexing and query systemVersion 4.1
gnucashGnuCash personal finance managerVersion 1.1.24
gnuplotGnuplot - The GNU Interactive Plotting ProgramVersion 3.7
gphotogphoto - GNU PhotoVersion 0.1.2DR
grepmailgrepmail - search a mailbox for a regular expressionVersion 3.8
groffGroff - GNU nroff,troff and related toolsVersion 1.11
gsGhostscript - a PostScript(tm) interpreterVersion 5.50
guileGuile - a portable, embeddable Scheme implementationVersion 19980818
gutilsgutils - graphics utilitiesVersion 2.0
gvgv - a PostScript and PDF previewerVersion 3.5.8
gxeditGXedit - graphical text editorVersion 1.23
gzipgzip - GNU file compression utilitiesVersion 1.2.4
htdight://Dig world wide web indexing and searching systemVersion 3.1.0b4
httpanalyHTTP Log Statistics AnalyzerVersion 2.01
hypermailhypermail mailbox to HTML conversionVersion 2.0b3
icalical - an X11 based calendar programVersion 2.2
idutilsId-utils - identifier database utilitiesVersion 3.2
infodockInfoDock - Integrated Software Development ToolsetVersion 4.0.8
infozipInfozip - PK-Zip compatible toolsVersion 5.32and2.2
innInn - InterNetNews ProgramsVersion 2.2
ircIrc - Internet Relay Chat server and clientVersion 2.9.3
ispellIspell - Interactive spelling checkerVersion 3.1.20
itcl301itcl - object-oriented extensions to TclVersion 3.0.1
jfsJFS - network filesystem protocol for java appletsVersion 0.05
jikesJikes - a fast, simple, source code to byte code Java compilerVersion 0.41
jsNGS JavaScript InterpreterVersion 0.2.4
jsdkJava(tm) Servlet Development KitVersion 2.0
junkThe Internet JunkbusterVersion
kdeThe K Desktop EnvironmentVersion 1.1.2
lessless-332 for UnixWare 7332
libPropLilibPropList libraryVersion 0.8.3
lsoflsof - list open filesVersion 4.37
lwgateLWGate - mailing list WWW gatewayVersion 1.16
lxrundevLinux Application Environment Emulator (Developer Version)Version 0.9.4pre5
lynxlynx - character based web browserVersion 2.8.2rel1
lyxlyx - A Document ProcessorVersion 1.0.0
m4m4 - macro processorVersion 1.4
majorcoolMajorcool - Majordomo list managerVersion 1.3.1
majordomoMajordomo mailing list managerVersion 1.94.4
makemake - GNU makeVersion 3.76.1
man2htmlman2html - convert UNIX nroff(1) manual pages to HTML formatVersion 3.0.1
maplaymaplay - MPEG audio playerVersion 1.2
mathrecmathrec - Mathematical RecreationsVersion 1.1
mcMidnight CommanderVersion 4.5.30
md5md5-v1 for UnixWare 7v1
mgdiffmgdiff - Motif based file difference browserVersion 1.0
mgpmgp - an X11 based presentation toolVersion 1.06a
mkpkgmkpkg - SCO packaging front-endsVersion 1.1
mpackmpack - pack/unpack a file in MIME formatVersion 1.5
mpeg2encoMPEG-2 Video EncoderVersion 1.2
mpegplaympegplay - MPEG video playerVersion 2.3-patched
mpg123mpg123 - play audio MPEG 1.0/2.0 (layers 1, 2 and 3)Version 0.59k
mrtgMRTG - Multi Router Traffic GrapherVersion 2.8.8
mtoolsMtools - Utilities to access DOS disks in UnixVersion 3.9.1
muttmutt - small, powerful text-based user mail agentVersion 0.95.3
nanaGNU Nana - improved support for assertions and logging in C and C++Version 1.14
ncftpNcFTP - Internet file transfer programVersion 2.4.3
neditNEdit - GUI text editorVersion 5.0.2
nslintnslint - perform consistency checks on dns filesVersion 2.0.1a1
nvinvi-1.79 for UnixWare 71.79
objcObjc - Portable Object CompilerVersion 2.2.12
orionOrion Administration UtilitiesVersion 1.2
palmpilotPalmPilot utilities and documentationVersion 1.0
patchpatch - apply a diff file to an originalVersion 2.5
pentePente - game of five in a rowVersion 2.2.2
pinePine mailer programsVersion 4.10
pixmapPixmap - Xpm file editorVersion 2.6p4
povrayPOV-Ray - Persistence of Vision Ray TracerVersion 3.02
procdumpProcess Dumper1.0
procmailprocmail - a powerful mail processing programVersion 3.11pre7
proftpdProFTPD - Professional FTP DaemonVersion 1.2.0pre8
psutilsPsutils - utilities for manipulating PostScript documentsVersion 1.17
pythonPython - an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming languageVersion 1.5.2b1
qtfreeQT C++ Graphical User Interface toolkitVersion 1.44
rcsrcs - GNU revision control systemVersion 5.7
rpmRPM - the Redhat Package ManagerVersion 2.5.5
rxvtrxvt - a VT102 emulator for the X window systemVersion 2.6.0
sambaSamba - A Windows SMB/CIFS fileserver for UNIXVersion 2.0.5a
saneSANE - Scanner Access Now EasyVersion 1.0.1
sbartsbart - Interactive art using Artificial EvolutionVersion 2.2b
scottyScotty - Tcl Extensions for Network Management ApplicationsVersion 2.1.10
sentryAbacus Sentry - Port Scan Detector0.61
sgmltoolsSGML-tools translators to other markup languagesVersion 2.0.2
sharutilsharutil - shell archive utilitiesVersion 4.2
shutilssh-utils - GNU Shell UtilitiesVersion 2.0
skunkperlPerl - Practical Extraction and Report LanguageVersion 5.005_03
slrnslrn - An easy to use NNTP based newsreaderVersion
sndSnd sound editorVersion 23sep98
soxSOX - SOund eXchangeVersion 12.16
speechtooEdinburgh Speech Tools LibraryVersion 1.2.0
squidSquid Internet Object CacheVersion 2.2.STABLE4
stlstl - support for SGI STL 3.11 on SCO platformsVersion 3.11
strobestrobe - Super optimized TCP port surveyor1.03
sudosudo - execute a command as the superuserVersion 1.5.6p5
swingJava Foundation Classes (Swing)Version 1.1
tankedGet TankedVersion 0.90
tarGNU tarVersion 1.12
tcl820Tcl - Tool Command LanguageVersion 8.2.0
tclX811TclX - Extended command set for TclVersion 8.1.1
tcshEnhanced C shell with name completion and command editingVersion 6.08.00
teTeXteTeX - text formatting and typesettingVersion 0.9
texinfoTexinfo - the GNU documentation reader and formatterVersion 3.11
tikTiK - The AOL Instant Messenger ClientVersion 0.51
timidityTimidity - Midi playerVersion 0.2i
tk820Tk - Tcl X11 ToolkitVersion 8.2.0
tkinfotkinfo - program to view GNU Info filesVersion 2.5
todaytoday - display events occurring on todays date in historyVersion 1.0
toptop - updated information about the top cpu processesVersion 3.5beta8
transfigTransfig - transport portable LaTeX figuresVersion 3.2.1
treepstreeps - Graphically display and manipulate process treeVersion 1.0
ttutilsttutils - TrueType font manipulation/conversion utilitiesVersion 1.0
vimvim - Vi IMproved, a programmers text editorVersion 5.4
vrwaveVRwave - VRML 2.0 browserVersion 0.9
webminWebmin - web based system administration interfaceVersion 0.73
wgetwget - command-line url retrieverVersion 1.5.3
wnWN serverVersion 2.1.6
xanimxanim - an X11 animation viewerVersion 2.80.1
xaosXaoS - Fast interactive real-time fractal zoomer/morpherVersion 3.0
xasciixascii - ascii character set table for XVersion Unknown
xautolockxautolock - fire up programs in case of user inactivityVersion pl10
xboingxboing - an X Window System based blockout cloneVersion 2.4
xbuffyxbuffy - keep track of multiple mailboxesVersion 3.3bl2
xcalendarxcalendar - calendar with a notebook for X11Version 4.0
xcoralMulti-window mouse-based graphical text editorVersion 3.1
xdiaryxdiary - X11 graphical diaryVersion Unknown
xdirxdir - graphical network-oriented file managerVersion 2.0
xearthPlanet earth root windowVersion 1.0
xfigxfig - X11 figure drawing packageVersion 3.2.2
xfishtankxfishtank - X11 graphical fish tankVersion 2.2
xgalagaXGalaga - X11 sequel to Galaga and its ancestor GalaxianVersion 2.0
xgrabscXGrabsc - X11 screen grabberVersion 2.3
xhtmlXHTML - A Simple HTML EditorVersion 1.3
xinvestXinvest - Personal finance packageVersion 2.5.1
xkoboXkobo action gameVersion 1.11
xlockmoreXlockmore - X11 Screen LockerVersion 4.11
xmailboxXmailbox - X11 Mail ReminderVersion 2.5
xmcdXmcd - Audio CD playerVersion 2.2
xmmixxmmix - Audio mixer utility for X11/MotifVersion 1.2
xpaintxpaint - simple paint programVersion 2.5.6
xpdfXpdf - An X11 viewer for Adobe(tm) PDF filesVersion 0.80
xpipeman3X PipemanVersion 3.1
xpmxpm - X11 pixmap libraryVersion 3.4k
xpoolXpool - X PoolVersion 1.3
xquoteXquote - Stock quote retrievalVersion 1.1
xrolodexxrolodex - X11 rolodex programVersion Unknown
xsanexsane - scanner frontend for SANEVersion 0.30
xscavengeScavenger for X Window SystemVersion 135
xtxt - communications program using telnetVersion 1.2
xvXV - interactive image display for the X Window SystemVersion 3.10a
xwaveXWave X11 audio player, recorder, editorVersion 0.6
xwpexwpe - programming environment and editorVersion 1.5.20a
yodlYODL pre-document language and toolsVersion 1.22
zirconzircon - Tcl/Tk IRC clientVersion 1.18.44
zshThe Z shell, a UNIX command interpreterVersion 3.1.5pws15