MelangeK3FSM Sequential example


1. Presentation

This example features an executable language using GEMOC Sequential Engine.

It illustrates the GEMOC animation framework on a Finite State Machine language.

The example focuses on the separation of the base language: FSM and the executable sequential language: XSFSM.

The tree editor and graphic editor are defined on top of the FSM language. They are considered as if they were pre-existing (Ie. legacy).

Then, Melange is used to built the XSFSM executable language by inheriting from FSM. The animation layer is also built as an extensions of the graphical editor.

This allows to use the model polymorphism. Ie. it is possible to edit FSM models and then run them as XSFSM with the appropriate animation extensions.

More information and the sources of these projects are available online on Github.

2. Installation

Install the projects of this language:

  • File > new > Examples…​ > GEMOC MelangeK3FSM Language example (Sequential)

Create and start an eclipse runtime:

  • Run > Run Configurations…​ > Eclipse application > new

Install sample models for the language:

  • File > new > Examples…​ > GEMOC model example for MelangeK3FSM (Sequential)

3. Language structure overview

The following figure presents :

  • the base language fsm content;
  • how the aspects extends the base classes;
  • how the xsfsm language is built by inheriting from the fsm language and using the aspects.
Language relations, packages and classes view.

Figure 42. Language relations, packages and classes view.

Please note that for simplification of the diagram, the associations that doesn’t represent a containment, have been represented as attribute rather than links.

4. DIY

TODO step to reproduce this exemple from "almost" scratch