Table of Contents

(all in one file)

MiniVend General Information
Where can I get MiniVend? How much does it cost?
What else do I need to run MiniVend?
If you are having problems
Information Needed for Support
If you are intending to run MiniVend on an ISP
How can I unzip the file?
About Vend, MiniVend's ancestor
Why doesn't my question get an answer on the mail list?
I sent the author a REAL IMPORTANT question and he didn't answer!
Is MiniVend secure?
What HTML editors work with MiniVend?
What can you expect in the way of support?
Where can I get more help?
How does MiniVend compare with other shopping carts?
I want to partner with you, or exchange links, or ....

Windows-specific questions
"Bad command or file name" when double-clicking on the setup icon

Configuration Problems
VLINK or TLINK compile problems
We're sorry, the MiniVend server is unavailable...
Error -- the MiniVend server was not running...
I get messages like ' not found'. What does it mean?
Your demo has a very large price for the first item, and when I change the quantity the price drops precipitously.
Can't locate in @INC. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
Can I run MiniVend on my Macintosh?
Shopping cart is dropped when using SSL.
Segmentation fault or other core dump does not match executable version.
MiniVend doesn't work with RedHat 5.0 (glibc)

ISP Problems
No shell access allowed on my ISP.
No C compiler to compile VLINK or SVEND.
Perl version too low
We're sorry, the MiniVend server is unavailable...
Document contains no data or premature end of script headers (especially on BSDI or FreeBSD)
My provider runs Windows NT
MiniVend server only runs for a while, then dies.

Things about MiniVend that people sometimes don't understand....
Is MiniVend a script, an application, or what? Why is it so big?
What is a daemon? Why is MiniVend a daemon?
Hey, where are the pages?
Hey, where are the images?
My [item-field name] tag isn't working! (or [loop-field ...] or [foo-field ..]
How do you pass variables from page to page?
How can I tell when I need to quote a tag inside a tag?
Can I use MiniVend with my existing static catalog pages?

SQL Questions
Does Minivend require SQL?
I can't get SQL to work -- Undefined subroutine &Vend::Table::DBI::create ...
How can I use MiniVend with Microsoft Access?

Setup Questions
Can I run multiple catalogs on one server?
How do I start MiniVend when I reboot?
How do I set up a Mall?
Can I attach a size or color to a product?
PGP encryption -- Server Error
PGP encryption -- What do I do now that it is working?
How do I get the number of items in a shopping cart?
The demo doesn't do...(pick one)
Difficulty interacting with browser: Request method for form submission is not POST
How can I trace the source of a purchase and run a partners program?
How can I send an email copy of the receipt to a user?
Configuring catalog whatever...Use of uninitialized value at line 1614, <CONFIG> chunk 322.
We need some more information! Problem: unspecified error
Sorting doesn't work across multiple pages
I am searching for a string and it is not found. I know it is there!
How do I display Euro pricing?

Performance issues
MiniVend runs, but it's sooo sllooowww...
MiniVend slows down over time
The browse page (from the demo) is SLOW+!
I am using SQL, and MiniVend is so SLOW.....
My server is getting loaded. How do I use the static page capability?
My session files change to owner root every day!

Shipping questions
I am using "price" as the shipping criteria and it seems to be wrong
I can't get shipping subroutines to work (Minivend 3)